Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To the Road Again

Today is Wednesday and we'll be getting on the road a little later in the day. Mrs. Spadoman and I will be taking the Grand children on a last gasp trip before the end of Summer vacation. (They return to school one week from today on September 1st).

We'll be going HERE for a couple of days, then traveling down towards Chicago to visit my sister and going HERE.

While we're down in the Chicago area, I'm sure we'll eat HERE for at least one meal, it's a tradition. I'll also pick up some regional staples from the Italian grocery while I'm down there.

We'll return sometime next Sunday. I'll be away from the computer, so, I guess that means I'll check in on Monday sometime. Who knows, maybe I'll have another Monday Mystery Tour post. We'll see.

In the meantime, I hope your days are good.



  1. OH gosh! Slides and swirly watery thingies!
    Looks like great fun, granddad!
    I'm liking the idea of just lounging around listening to laughter.
    LUCKY youse guys!

    That's inbetween all the road time, of course. And that's IN gorgeous weather, to boot!

    Safe journey!! And enjoy the heck outta those babies!

  2. your grandchildren are so lucky to have you as grandparents!!!

    (and their parents are lucky to have you as parents!)


    I hope you have fun along with the children

    travel safely and return refreshed

  3. Have a GREAT time, Spadoman!

    Hey, I hear the food in Chicago is faaaaaabulous!

    Wishing you a safe and wonderful journey! Looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Be well!

  4. Wow, what a wonderful trip you've planned!
    Have the best possible time with those lovely grandchildren and we'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
