Monday, July 26, 2010

Maggie Spado 07/26/1973 -06/08/1991

Happy Birthday sweetie. Love you.



  1. thinking of all of you....
    wishing you peace.

  2. Happy Birthday, Maggie - you were and are well loved.

  3. Happy birthday Maggie, we have you in our thoughts!

    Hope you guys had a safe trip, it's been pretty soggy in Ioway these days. Surprise hurricane force winds Friday, blew my back porch storm door off, trees down all over, but all is OK at 'the Chateau'.

    The Cedar River is way out of bank now and more rain on the way, what an odd year for weather, makes one ponder a spell. I've given up on the veggie garden, every time I have a day off to work in it, it rains...well, there's always next year...if the creek don't rise!!! Ha!


  4. *laughing* Oh, SR--the creek WILL rise! Of that there's no doubt!

    Happy Birthday, Maggie!
    What a sweet, loving and well loved gal.
    The gift was two fold, no doubt.

    *hugs to you and yours*

  5. Happy Birthday to Maggie. She was beautiful. ♥♥

  6. so sorry for your loss. who is this person? dtr? Grandtr?

  7. OK I just read an earlier post about and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Sorry for your loss. Time helps but doesn't really heal.

  9. Really wanted to catch up on the Round Circle tonight Joe plus you and Barb been on my mind in a good way the last couple of days. Maggie's birthday was Monday. Of course makes me think of you all and, so happy birthday to your Maggie Girl. I didn't meet Maggie in this world but as surely as she's a Spado I would've loved her too. Peace.

  10. Thank you all so very very much.

    Peace to all.
