Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday, June 27, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday is the creation of Tracy over at Hey Harriet blog. For guidelines and to see other fabulous Shadow Shots posted by particpants, go HERE

While on a recent trip to the West coast of the USA, I wandered along one of my favorite beaches near Victorian Ferndale in Northern California. The sun was getting ready to set and the shadows were long. As I walked along, I was seeing the footprints in the sand and how they were casting their own shadows. The beach seemed to be full of footprints, like there wasn't any exposed sandy surface that hadn't been trod upon, but at the time I was there, I only spotted a few others hanging about to catch the glory of the sunset.

I'll post a picture of the sunset this day as itself is the matrix of all shadow. The sun never seems to disappoint. I watched from the beach until the last speck of light had shone from Ole Sol. A beautiful scene.

Footprints casting shadows on a busy stretch of ocean beach, near Ferndale, California

Here's the sun, slowly sinking into the ocean waves:



  1. Beautiful sunset, utterly beautiful.

  2. You're right--the sun never seems to disappoint.

    What a gorgeous sunset, sir. And what a story those shadows on the beach tell. They'll be washed away and a new pallet will be given for the new day.

    Ohhhh...see, now I wanna beach walk! (I blame you....LOL)

  3. My favorite time at the beach is early, early morning, before all the tracks appear...catching a glimpse of all of Nature's goodies scattered about in the sand, my pockets are usually full of sandy, smelly flotsam, but do I care...NOT...these are my treasures, reminders of my day in paradise, any ol' beach will do, I ain't picky when I'm away from the shores of the Mighty Miss...I'll just sit for hours and breathe in the salty air. Driving over the state line into Florida has me doing just down, air flowing in, that humid mix of salt and sea air permeates the whole state and my truck...I can't get enough and am longing for another road trip to the coast!

    I too love the back roads, such exotic, intoxicating sights off road, seems like you never get soul searchers have a hunger and a thirst for more.

    Hope you had a safe trip with lots of picture reminders!!!

    Peace back atcha!

  4. you have me longing for a long walk across a sandy shore.
    footsteps of childhood call to me still.

  5. Nice pictures and very evocative of people having spent a good day doing what we all should do more of - nothing much but enjoying the sunshine.

  6. The ancients believed that if you lived by the Ocean Stream (i.e. the Atlantic) you could hear a hissing as the sun appeared to slip into the sea at sunset. Can you corroborate this from your Californian-Pacific experience?

    Pax (as the Romans) and Eirene (as the Greeks would say).

  7. Footprints in the sand—
    ceaseless tides eroding them
    erase every trace.

    Derelict Dwelling Shadows

  8. Great Sunday Shot photo!
    Check out my photo here!

    Also its a new week which means new challenges at, my very own photo challenge :)

    The themes are as usual:

    Monday - Creative Colors
    Tuesday - Macro
    Wednesday - 2 of a kind
    Thursday - Urban
    Friday - Sunset

    Have a good one!

  9. Gorgeous shots, I love northern California!
