Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday, May 23, 2010

Many times when I travel, I bring back a piece of where I've been. This could be a T-shirt emblazoned with the logo of somewhere I've been or other such souvenir. When I search out the small town diner, and I'm successful at finding just the right place to eat, I want to remember that place, where it's at, and the food there. If they sell a coffee cup, I'd buy a couple and bring home the vessels as gifts for my daughters'.

Joe's Diner in Redondo Beach, CA is such a place. I found the place to be a great spot for breakfast and return there often on visits to the beach cities in Southern California. Their coffee mug, pictured here, is the subject of today's Shadow Shot Sunday. By the way, Shadow Shot Sunday is the creation by Tracy, of the Hey Harriet blog. Check out many fine Shadow Shots at her place and find the guidelines for participation.

Lately, I've been having a few problems drinking coffee in the morning. These days, I find myself starting off the day with a cup of tea. Aside from the obvious blasphemous indications of using a coffee mug as a teacup, I grab whatever porcelin offering is next in line when the kettle starts to boil. This particular day it was the Joe's Diner mug. I opened the tea bag, placed it in the mug and proceeded to pour in the water. I set the mug down on the counter to steep. The sun had just started playing around with shadows in the kitchen, so I grabbed the camera and took a few shots. Today's offering is the result.

I haven't been to Joe's since last July, and I don't have plans to return to Southern California this year, so a trip to Joe's for breakfast will have to wait for the future. At least I can grab the mug and drink in a few memories from one of my sojourns there. Oh, the food. Yes, it's greasy spoon to say the least. And I like to think of the waitresses as Hash House Queens. High fat laden food is not good for you, I know, but then again, I don't eat there, or at any other diner serving the same fare, often enough to clog my arteries. I'm at worse risk from the cross country drive.

Peace to all


  1. That was perfect ! I also look for shadows in the kitchen because they can be fascinating and truly out of the ordinary .. every room in the house has the potential for hiding an unusual shadow, we just have to look for it : )

  2. morning ritual
    tea bag in boiling water
    steeping four minutes

    Shadows in Dry Places

  3. What a delightful story. I've always wanted to eat at an American diner! We don't really have such places here in Australia (yeah, odd I know that we don't have American diners ;)

    I LOVE coffee and would be heartbroken if suddenly I had trouble drinking it first thing in the morning. I'm not sure I'd be able to function without it!

    Oh and lovely shot by the way :)

  4. Oh the horror...tea in a coffee mug...blasphemy!!!

    You are too funny...I've had of late those California dream bro lived in Santa Rosa for 35 years and after 5 years back in Iowa, is still struggling with the weather.

    I'm trying to talk him into a small trailer to pull behind my truck to travel the back roads, may trails from my past I want to revisit, but, as long is my pops(82) is still around, we stay close by...but I dream...

    And yes, the biz is doing great...WAY better than in the downtown. All the comments have been positive, we are thrilled, as the peeps all tell us they want the mall back!

    OK, enough of this porch swing do calleth, as well as the next cup of java...IN A COFFEE CUP...LOL!

    Have a warm and sunny Sunday, 90o today...yayyyyy!!!


  5. Terrific shadow shot for the day!
    I've gotten where I look everywhere for shadows and have found some in the strangest places! But that's gotten to be part of the fun! Have a great day!


  6. Such a great shadow shot! Coffee mugs are a fine idea for souvenirs, even if they eventually hold tea instead. And Joe's Diner is such a wonderfully classic name for an eatery!

  7. Cool photo! Refrigerator magnets are my favorite souvenirs, I have a HUGE collection, one from almost everywhere I've been. Cheers!

  8. This is the third "tea cup" I've seen on Shadow Shot today and one of them was mine (minus the tea). Maybe we need a Tea Cup Tuesday.

  9. Joe's Diner in Redondo Beach--I'll send my sister! She'll love it cuz it's bad for her....LOL

    But's a great shot!
    And eventually I'll get over the shock of you flipping over to the 'tea' side.
    I'll hope the barrier is temporary and the problem rectifies itself--himself gave up coffee this week because of health issues.....OMG......for HIS health I'll keep consuming it....LOL

  10. Nice counter and great shadow :-) That's what I call a proper coffee mug even if it it holding a tea bag. After all, from my experience good coffee mugs make excellent tea and keep it hot longer too.

  11. I like the fact you have a great collection of mugs


    (my big brother used to live in Redondo Beach! then he moved to Hermosa)

    wonderful photo

  12. '...bring back a piece of where I've been.' You're not alone, Spadoman. Whenever possible I bring back a stone from places I've visited. Some times they have to be quite small (to enable the aircraft to take off), but there's a wall in the garden made of stones from all over the N.Hemisphere including Ca. I note your kitchen worktop appears to be made from a bit of Brazil.

  13. Thank you all very much for spending a few moments at Round Circle.


  14. Nice shot! It looks like you even caught the steam.
    Diner food is my fav:D If I die of clogged arteries...well at least I'll die happy;)
