Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On the Road Yet Again

For a guy who says he doesn't travel as much as he used to in the old days, I'm sure on the road a lot! The plans called for a post about my last trip to Ashland and the pottery I bought, but that will just have to wait. I'll be on the road early on Wednesday morning. I'm headed to Flagstaff, AZ. My brother has taken ill and I need to be there for support. Please forgive my absense. I don't know how long I'll be away.

In the meantime, I invite you to scroll down and have a look at Round Circle. Maybe you'll find something you like or get a laugh or two.

And as always, Peace to all.


  1. safe travels, Joe...I hope your brother is OK, and I wish I could journey to Flagstaff to see you!

  2. Oh geeze....

    Safe journey, sir. And prayers for your brother, of course.

    I wish the journey was about happier circumstances.

    (((((((( Spadoman ))))))))

  3. Happy travels, Spadoman. If you pass through Prescott, give the folk a wave from J. and me.

  4. Oh I hope your brother is well soon.
    Hope the journey gives you some pleasures and the arrival is not too difficult.
    Hugs. Be safe.

  5. Hope you have a safe trip and that your brother will be OK. Take Care. See you when you get back to Ashland and Lake Superior area.

  6. safe travelling and I too send best wishes for your bro's speedy recovery

  7. Thinkin' of you and yours....hope all is well.

  8. Thank you everyone. I'm home safe, my brother is on the mend and doing good.

