Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday # 97, March 28, 2010

Besides being Mrs. Spadoman's birthday today, it is also Shadow Shot Sunday, or SSS as it is so nicknamed here and there. I'm not making any commitments about doing this every Sunday for the rest of the millennium, (or rest of my life, whichever comes first), but I'm doing it today, as I did last week. It's a fun Meme, and it originates from a blog named Hey Harriet that hails from Australia. Queensland somewhere. For the actual rules and guidelines for Shadow Shot Sunday, please go HERE.

This shadow shot was taken two years ago when I lived along the South shore of the Great Lake Superior in a small two room shack we called The Cabinette. It was right outside our window, this Eagle, and I scrambled for the camera and took some shots before it flew away. We oftentimes have seen Eagles in the trees along the shore, and out place was right on the shore. It wasn't very often that we got any camera shots as the comings and goings of these magnificent birds were never predictable.

I wish I could tell you the set up that I used on the camera or that I did some fancy framing and aiming and orchestrated this shot in any way shape or form. All I remember is twisting my body around trying to get the camera to point up at a sharp angle from the window while crawling over the sofa and end table without knocking over the lamp or dumping the pile of books that was there, all the while making sure I didn't move too quickly or make any loud noises to chase away the visitor.

It was an immature Bald Eagle, still brownish in color, not yet grown into the black bodied older one with the white tail and head. The sky was gray. I did not shoot this in black and white. I miss living there at The Cabinette. We had to move away, but I visit the lakeshore often, even though it is 175 miles away from my current abode. By the way, Mrs. Spadoman's birthday keeps me quite busy. We celebrate the eve of the event, and the lead in and out time of one week before and at least a week after. Lucky I have time to post at all!

Peace to all


  1. The crap we go through for our shadow shots...not to mention our over 60 birthdays(events)...I too like cabinettes aka shacks...ha!

    Peace on brother...have a good one!

    GGgCMrs Spadoman

    Pax vobiscum

  3. *laughing* I'm not the only one who does a funny dance to catch a shot!

    Job well done, btw--I think I'm glad the focus found the branches. Very cool indeed.....kinda adds to the mystique of the bird.

    And a glorious birthday to Mrs. Spadoman. Celebrate LOTS!

  4. This is a very cool photo! Somewhere in Queensland? Brisbane is the capital of Queensland by the way. But hey, I don't know many capitals in the US!! Hahaha

  5. A most blessed Birthday to mrs Spadoman! May she live in the sunshine of your love all the days of her life..
    The eagle photo is wonderful, thos birds of prey can be so illusive, I swear they know when you have a camera in your hands!
    Camera shy, thats it!!!

  6. It is VERY effective. Like mine, the shadow is behind the branches.

  7. Fantastic! This is my favorite of the shadow shots I've looked at so far this week! I like the story companion, too.

    By the way: what are your favorite movies? ;-)

  8. Oh, oh, oh. Happy, happy birthday to Mrs. Spadoman! And many more...

  9. Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Spadoman.

    Your eagle shot really is a beauty and worthy of a prize if such are given for magical shadow shots.

  10. Happy Birthday for yesterday Mrs S!
    What a lovely shadow picture. I do know about the weird things that sometimes have to be done to get a good photo : )
    I hope the rest of Mrs S's birthday is lots and lots of fun for you all

  11. Thank you all very much for the compliments about this photograph. And Mrs. Spadoman was tickled pink to hear all the wonderful birthday greetings from everyone.
    I also appreciate all the folks that stopped by Round Circle to take a look.

    Peace to all.
