Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ruby Tuesday 03/23/2010

Here are a few photographs for this weeks Ruby Tuesday Meme. Ruby Tuesday is a creation of Mary T/The Teach, who pens the Work of a Poet blog. You can participate in Ruby Tuesday if you wish. Read the guidelines when you visit Mary's site and join in the fun.

In the meantime, here are my submissions. The first is a tattoo. It's on my right shoulder, and it honors the memory of my daughter Maggie. She was lost in an automobile accident in 1991. She was just shy of her eighteenth birthday. She loved red roses and red lipstick. So there's one of her Ruby Red lips as well.

The Tattoo

Margaret Ellen "Maggie" Spado in 1991

After that, I had to add these two photos I took rather quickly yesterday. The first Robin of Spring around my yard. The same Robin on the ground, then up in the branches of a leafless early Spring larch. Robin's breasts are orange, really, but they are known as Robin Red Breast, so I'll include this harbinger of Spring in the Ruby class for today.

You know that Spring is here....

When we see the first Robins of the season up here in the Northland

Hope you have a great day.

Peace to All


  1. Maggie was, and always will be, a Beauty. As sad as I am to hear of your loss, I sense a continuing love which I'm honored to be privy to.

    And thanks for stopping by my place; I'm that much richer for it.

  2. Your daughter was very beautiful. I know you'll miss her always. And isn't it nice to see the robins again! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

    My Ruby Tuesday

  3. In the arms of an angel.....

    Oh what a beautiful child--and what a beautiful tribute to honour her.

    And the robin--I finally saw my first! But it was the redwing blackbirds that clued me in that spring had arrived. They're everywhere, they're everywhere!!

    Happy Tuesday to you, sir!

  4. A wonderful collection of reds, from a promise of summer to a promise not to forget...

  5. What a beautiful, sweet face, one you'll never forget...and yes, finally Spring can bring a smile to our faces here in the Nor'lunds...it's the little things in life we love and appreciate the most...ahhh Nature...

    Mow the grass...are you nuts...who ever came up with that ridiculous notion anyway...I'm contemplating goats, do you think the neighbors will mind...after all, I do have a pink house, if they tolerate that...hmmmm...


  6. Yes...your Maggie was lovely!

    My brother was lost a long time ago in an automobile accident as well. The kanji incorporated into my tattoo translates to "younger brother"

    I know how even now my parents experience this loss daily. I am sending you the warmest hugs Joesph.

  7. What a lovely girl and I'm so sorry to hear that she was lost. Although time heals the sadness of some kinds of loss never quite go away.
