Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Made The Ultimate No Fly List


  1. That was pretty damn cool and very funny too :-) and I didn't even know you were a teevee star.

  2. Great. I'll be next on the "no fly" list. I knew I was asking for trouble when I signed on as a "Follower" of Round Circle.


  3. Hey, Joe. I too am proud to have made that list :)

  4. Golldangit, gosh and darn....

    How's come I don't get to see whatever's there and other people get to see?

    I musta been really, really naughty.....ohhhhhhhhh.......


  5. *wails*

    I can't see the image!!!


  6. So sorry Mel and View. Don't know why you can't see it. It is a video of a news announcer talking about Glenn Beck and how Mr. Beck attacks liberals. Yours truly has his name plastered all over the place! All in fun. Thanks for stopping by though, I appreciate it very much.

    susan.. Glad you liked it

    BE... Yep, trouble is my middle name

    planet... You too? Cool, proud to know you.

  7. Awwww.....thank you for the link, sir. I had to laugh a bit at my own ignorance when I opened it up with the volume unknowingly turned wayyyyyyyyy up.

    You shoulda saw the look on himself's face when he came tearing into the livingroom to see what the commotion was...LOL

    Priceless--the video AND his face. LOL
