Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On the Road Again

When you read this, I'll be on the road. I'm leaving in a few moments. I'm driving a car down to Albuquerque for a friend. I'll spend some time down there in New Mexico, then fly home next week. So, if you don't see me around for a while, that's where I'm at. I love New Mexico and need a mid winter break to clear my head.

Take care and be well.

Peace to all.


  1. Have a good and refreshing trip.
    Looking forward to your return, perhaps with marvellous tales to tell : )

  2. Oh, I envy you--given the weather of late, I sooooo envy you! What a glorious change in scenery you'll have.

    It's so gorgeous down there.

    Safe journey, sir.
    I do hope peace finds you and embraces you while you wander.

    *huge hug*

  3. Bon voyage. I hope the weather down there's not too murky.

    Go well. Good folk are scarce.

  4. Hope you're having a wonderful time. Happy trails.

  5. See you when you return. I am thinking of you.
