Thursday, July 9, 2009

Out of Town

So this is it for a while again. I'm going to be very very busy today packing and getting the van ready for this trip. We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning. That will one of the "Good" things that's happening for Shelly's "Only the Good Friday", as I'm so full of anxiety my stress level is tighter than a gnats ass stretched over a beer barrel! I'm just as excited as the kids. They were here last night and we celebrated Anna's eleventh birthday. I made them blog names and added them as co-authors of our new blog that we will use to report about our trip.

They got to choose their names, and I wrote pretty much what they said when I asked them about the trip. DJ is Socool, (So Cool), Anna is Janet, (Janet Jackson, who knew?), Lilly is Squinteye, (for Squint Eye Yoody, her Pirate name) and Barb is on board as Na, (That's what the kids call her). Of course, as commander of the ship, I keep my own moniker of Spadoman.

It's called Bonin/Spado Road Trip 2009. The kids already posted comments on it and now they are registered and can access the blog and post. We bought them pretty good quality cameras last Christmas. Barb charged up the batteries and checked their SD cards, so, they'll post pictures. In places where we don't have service, they can use the word processing program to write their story and cut 'n paste it to the blog later, Besides, that old Mac laptop will do triple duty as it will be playing DVD's, MP3's and used as our computer. Hope it makes it through the trip!

I'll be gone for a few weeks. And now I see August is shaping up to be a busy time with more travel. Many of you fine folks have made me feel really good about my future here on Blogger with your e-mails and comments on the post below this one. Thanks for that. Much appreciated, believe me. I get into these little funks now and again. Thanks for helping me through them.

Earlier this summer, when I left town, I posted a special story, usually a long one, for people to read when they are passing through The Round Circle. I'll just leave it be this time and tell you that I'll miss you and I'll see you back here later. In the meantime;

Peace is always in fashion, and I'll add some love in there along with compassion, honesty, openmindedness and the willingness to accept others as they are. We're off on the adventure of a lifetime.


  1. Joe and Barb:

    Hope you and your grandkids have a wonderful trip and am looking forward to reports from the road!


  2. Safe and happy journeys to you and yours.

    I look forward to peeking into the journey through the eyes of SoCool, Janet, Squinteye and Na.
    Oh, and Spadoman, of course. LOL

    Happy times!!

  3. checking in..will follow u along the way...good travels..peace and be well...
