Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Checking In

Well, we got the moving all done. Barb, with some help, did the actual physical moving of most of the stuff. I did some moving, but not much. I'm staying real busy unpacking and organizing and trying to find stuff that Barb unpacked and organized, (as if that made any sense). But all is here in our new place.

We're back in Wisconsin and it feels great! We were along the shores of the Great Lake Superior as recently as last May. We moved to St. Paul, MN into an apartment last June first and figured from the get-go that we wanted to figure out what, where, how and why we will live. I wanted to get back into Wisconsin as the car insurance and all that stuff was registered there. Barb wanted to be closer to the Grandkids. We both wanted to be home owners again. The last place we owned was over seven years ago. We've been renting since then.

Renting isn't so bad. In fact, it is somewhat desirable using the idea of not having anything to pay for to fix like furnaces and kitchen appliances and the like. But it does squash any idea of real privacy and making things convenient for yourself like making holes in the walls to hang shelving or decorating in some respects.

Anyhoo:-), like my friend Batmo always says, we decided to buy, things fell in our favor and we're here in River Falls, WI. In fact, our property is right up against the experimental farm of The University of Wisconsin River Falls.

We're in town, but kind of at the edge of town, and the farm field and forested area right behind our place makes it seem like the country. It will never be as rustic as Ashland was, with the woods, the big lake, the animals and all, but it is pretty doggone nice as far as the view out the back window. I'll post some pictures any day now, probably as soon as I find which box the camera is in.

I better find that camera soon. We're gonna christen this place with a gala dual birthday party this weekend for my Grand son, DJ, whose birthday was March 25th, and spousal unit Barb, who celebrates her birthday all month even though the actual date is the 28th of March.

Grand daughter Yoody and I do the same thing in May. Our birthdays are exactly a week apart. We get Strawberry Shortcake twice as we both like it a lot!

So, just checking in, changing my blog post so you'll have something more to read. Not real exciting I know, but I felt I had to do something. Let me get a few more things unpacked and situated here in the new digs and I'll get back to a more normal existence. In the meantime, take care and be well, and of course Peace to all of you.

Oh, one last thought. If you haven't done so, please take a look at the Crow Creek blog/website. It is vastly improved and announces this years Crow Creek Commemorative Motorcycle Ride which takes place in June. We're using good ole Blogger as a website until such a time we can afford a web designer. Works pretty well. Check out the nice buttons and T-shirts on the merchandise link.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Did not know you were moving to WI.... wow! You guys get around!
    Sounds like a nice place with a balance of nature & town. Cool.

    I am hammering away w medical stuff.... you would be proud.

    Looking forward to the pics.

  2. Guess I should have checked in on the blog before sending the email, eh.:)

  3. Just finished reading the rest of the post.:)

    Um, web designer here who doesn't mind helping friends out, if you're interested.:) Distance doesn't really matter these days with email, skype and such.

  4. So glad you getting settled in. I have moved around a lot as well, and I also prefer the country. Sounds like you guys have a little bit of both going on, convenience and country living.

    Love and good wishes to you and yours!

  5. Best of Luck to you my friend, now all you have to do is find the coffee joint so that we can get back to your stories. Send my best to Barb

  6. Dontcha just love moving?! I always did. It's a whole new start and lots of promise at what could be. Get cracking at creating new memories in your new digs.
