Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Greeting to All, From 2007

However you celebrate, or if you don't celebrate at all, we wish you peace in your hearts for you and all you hold dear. We send constant positive energy out to the world and will stand in honor of all of you who wish for peace today at the Ashland Peace Vigil. I ask the Creator to let us understand each other and accept all mankind as their Brothers and Sisters.

Thank you for your support. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, May peace prevail on the Sacred Earth Mother for all.


  1. happy cmas to you and yours my friend :) peace in our time.

  2. Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for your friendship.

  3. Aho! May peace prevail. May we all listen to the voice of reason to guide us to care for our planet & people. We have been given a great gift.
    Thank you for shining your light.

  4. Happy holly days to you and yours, dear Spadoman. I hope it is filled with much peace and love.

  5. merry merry christmas...may the new year be full of peace and good cheer....namaste.

  6. You guys are soo cute! Love ya!
