Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Looking Forward to the Celebration

We're setting up the ofrenda. Already talking to these wonderful spirits. We'll be working at it for a couple more days transforming this wall of our living room into a shrine, but for now, here are a couple of photos.

Peace to all

The newest edition


Anne said...

Enjoy, Spado family!

Mel said...

That is one full and busy shrine. I can imagine the time it takes to assemble it and how sad it must feel to take it down--bigger sad than when I have to put Studley the 8' spider in the box for another year. And that's why I decorate early! ;-)

Blessings to you and yours. I do hope the celebration is filled with good friends, good spirits and good times!

Kim Mailhot said...

What a wonderful celebration space! Filled with love and thought and care.
Sending you and your dear spirits peace !

Jean said...

Well, if a beautiful shrine such as this doesn't bring her spirit close then I don't know what would.


Anonymous said...


your newest catrina a lovely. We had a catrina ball a couple of weeks ago and will celebrate with many at the Longmont Museum tomorrow.