Thursday, July 11, 2013

Haiku My Heart, July 12, 2013

Oregon tonight

Making our way towards home

Report to follow

See more at: recuerda mi corazon


Fallingladies said...

can't wait to hear!

Mel said...

I've been PATIENT! :-)
*laughing* I wanted credit for that dontchaknow!

Safe journey--I can't wait to hear and see!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Brief and to the point! Looking forward to news of the adventure! Cathy

deb did it said...

safe journey to home
memories will always remain
fair weather be yours

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you ~ Happy Traveling ^_^

rebecca said...

dear road warrior!
i am so elated to know you have been on the road, behind that windshield,
your muse, your light!
travel safe and treasure each new moment.
you are always in my heart.

Kim Mailhot said...

Can't wait to hear the report!!
Safe travels, Man!
Peace and love to you !

gma said...

Happy trails Joe...

Karen said...

Have a safe trip!

Nanka said...

On your path towards home do not fail to catch the slightest rainbow along the way!! Awaiting report!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wishing you safe journey. All the best

Anonymous said...

Safe summer road trips

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the ride!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

No more accidents! Safe travels!

Ragged Things

Nonnie said...

home, bringing peace to the wanderer!
looking forward to the essence of your travels.