Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Haiku

Haiku My Heart
March 8, 2013

See more at recuerda mi corazon

Seems to me, things could

Be, can’t you see the burning

In my heart and soul

First of all, I apologize for not getting around to all your blogs to read your haiku and see your artwork and photographs. I have been very busy. I promise to better in this area in the future.

In the meantime, I want to explain a little about the Haiku I posted here this past Friday. These are parts of words to a song I wrote some time ago. It is sung to a Reggae beat and has one verse. Here it is:

Seems To Me
Joe Spado

Seems to me, oh oh
My love is growin' stronger now

Seems to be, oh oh
A burnin' in my heart

Things could be,
Fine when we're together

Oh can't you see,
It hurts to be apart

That's right. A simple love song. I wrote it, but honestly, I didn't write it for someone or something that happened or was happening in my life either at the time I wrote it, or before or after.

I did see, by the comments that were left, that many of you wondered about what it might mean. And this wonderment reflected to yourselves and to me and my life. Conjecture was made, a rush of all sorts of feelings, for yourselves, for me, for someone you know. Even memories were stirred.

I must say, I didn't plan on such a response, so I won't take credit for some kind of experiment that I conducted. I was just so busy, and I wanted to participate in Haiku My Heart, so I tinkered with the words so they fit in the 5-7-5 Haiku format and let 'em fly.

But since the results came out the way they did, I will encourage you to take what you need and leave the rest.

Much Peace to all, and Thank you very much for coming here to see my offerings. 


Mel said...

((((((((( Spadoman ))))))))))

I'll just hug and let you know I'm thinking of you--and that spring IS coming. (that's what people tell me--and I'm holding on to that hope)

A day at a time--I know it's a cliche' that's overused some times (and sometimes I wanna strangle the person who tosses it in my direction)--but minute by minute if we must, eh? Things do get different.
Today, there's sunshine and blue skies. Enough to be enjoyed from the porch, the Jeep, or the back deck. Snatch what we can, eh. Things do get different.

It's the Haiku--made me sad, I think.....which is okay, really. We all wander into sad places sometimes, yaknow?

Dawn Elliott said...

Your haiku got me thinking for quite could have lots of meanings, which I quite like!
Such a very contrite offering today...I hope all is well!

Priti Lisa said...

such a small post can say so much...
things CAN just have to believe. But you knew that already, didn't you?

Kim Mailhot said...

Things already "be"...that's what my mommy/guru would say.
Let's be happy as though they were, okay, Man ? I will meet you there.
Peace to you...

Anonymous said...

Yes I can!Your heart (and soul) is revealed in every post you share!!

Flight of Fancy

Anonymous said...

Sometimes that's all we can do, just be

it's often times enough


gma said...

In times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom "Let it be."

peggy gatto said...

You rustled my brain with these words!

Nonnie said...

yes, you showed it to us in your verse

Barbara said...

things could Be,......... that has me feeling a bit sad... Your stories and posts always reveal a warm heart and soul whenever I visit!

Meri said...

Seems to me that's what John was talkin' about when he asked up to Imagine.

rebecca said...

morning rain turned into heavy snow by afternoon. i drove home from the studio in a whiteness of giant flakes being tossed in every direction with strong cold winds. so grateful for your burning true heart. winter has a strong hold making the arrival of spring that much sweeter!
thank you for being here warming us all!

Marit said...

You offer just a few lines today but oh, do they say much. Thinking of you dear friend, hang in there, rock on, peace.

Spadoman said...

I edited this post and wrote the following in the body of the post early Saturday afternoon. I am posting it as a comment so I can attempt to answer what seems like the many questions some of you might have:

First of all, I apologize for not getting around to all your blogs to read your haiku and see your artwork and photographs. I have been very busy. I promise to better in this area in the future.

In the meantime, I want to explain a little about the Haiku I posted here this past Friday. These are parts of words to a song I wrote some time ago. It is sung to a Reggae beat and has one verse. Here it is:

Seems To Me
Joe Spado

Seems to me, oh oh
My love is growin' stronger now

Seems to be, oh oh
A burnin' in my heart

Things could be,
Fine when we're together

Oh can't you see,
It hurts to be apart

That's right. A simple love song. I wrote it, but honestly, I didn't write it for someone or something that happened or was happening in my life either at the time I wrote it, or before or after.

I did see, by the comments that were left, that many of you wondered about what it might mean. And this wonderment reflected to yourselves and to me and my life. Conjecture was made, a rush of all sorts of feelings, for yourselves, for me, for someone you know. Even memories were stirred.

I must say, I didn't plan on such a response, so I won't take credit for some kind of experiment that I conducted. I was just so busy, and I wanted to participate in Haiku My Heart, so I tinkered with the words so they fit in the 5-7-5 Haiku format and let 'em fly.

But since the results came out the way they did, I will encourage you to take what you need and leave the rest.

Much Peace to all, and Thank you very much for coming here to see my offerings.

Mel said...


STILL -- my own connections to the words. Isn't that what poetry is suppose to evoke? :-/

I'm glad all is well--'cept for the crazy weather....what's up with that?!
MORE SNOW.....woooohooooo!!!!!
No---I don't really mean that. *sigh*