Monday, January 9, 2012

How's the Weather?

The overnight low didn't get below 36 degrees last night. It's suppose to be near 45 today. That happens quite often in Winter here, but this year it seems to be happening every day! There is virtually no snow on the ground and not much in the forecast for snow or cold temps.

I'm not complaining. I'll take whatever happens and be happy with it. But this is just strange.

So, how's the weather where you live?



somepinkflowers said...

we had a Hard Freeze last week
back some of my plants

last night under the Full Moon,
the Old Moon,
i danced barefoot
late into the night...

{{ shorts
but 2 sweaters }}

for weather~strange
north*east florida...

Gayle said...

Our weather(Seattle area) is
unusually mild as well. More like our usual spring weather. So....
as an experiment, I planted my peas yesterday. not as much light as spring but temps are the same.

Jeannie said...

Ours is the same as yours (not sure about the temps as ours is Celcius but close enough).

I'm not complaining either. At least - not about the temperatures and NOT having to shovel snow. I do have an issue with the ground being muddy all the time because my dog is perpetually dirty after his walk and needs to get his underside showered off. This could be worse - he is very good about the shower - goes in on his own and moves so I can get everything and waits to be dried.

Kathleen Barnes said...

I was dancing around the park where I teach in 60 degree weather, tossing my coat on a bench and trying to get a midwinter tan. Last year we had several inches of snow on the ground around this time. I am a transplant from the southwest desert to St. Louis and I am grateful for the reprieve.

Mel said...

Yup--and just this morning I'm out with a sweatshirt, admiring the fullness of the moon and the mildness of the January temps.

What's up with that?!
Oh, don't get me wrong--it's been welcomed. January usually is a difficult month for folks, especially being 'stuck' inside during snowstorms and subzero days. Kinda nice to look someone in the eyes and say 'take a walk--it's lovely out and you'll feel better for it'. It's even nicer when someone gives you that suggestion. LOL

I should plant peas! LOL Or at least start flowers from seeds....which I'll end up killing later......LOL


Fran said...

Western Oregon- temperate Rainforest, had our driest December on record. Then the last few days, we got 3 solid inches of rain-- but the monthly average would normally be 8.29 inches.
It's been cold- had some hard frosts here too...
but normally wet.

Anonymous said...

UK - Last winter we had a real WINTER with snow and ice and allsorts and as usual we all fell about being astonished and everything came to a halt. This year it's back to normal; mild and damp.

katherine. said...

Mid January an no rain.

We're gonna be in serious trouble here in Northern California during fire season, if we don't get some rain.

And no snow in the mountains. No skiing.
No snow pack.
No water.

not good.

Anonymous said...

yes, weather is weird all over the place.

we had LOTS of snow in Dec on the plains but the mountains have nothing. Montana ski resorts are taking CO ski passes to lure people their way.

let's here it for climate change!