Friday, October 7, 2011

A Lake at Peace

Haiku My Heart
October 7, 2011

Haiku My Heart happens every Friday. Folks from all over the world come together and share their lives with photos and haiku. To see more and to find out how you can participate, see Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog.

Burning desire
Beautiful vivid sunset 
Peaceful calm water
This was the sunset scene last Saturday night over Shawano Lake at Cecil, WI. This public landing boat launch and fishing pier is right in the middle of town. We had just eaten and were coming out of the restaurant parking lot when we saw the blazing orange brilliance. One swing through the park got us this view. I had the camera with me for a change.
All kinds of thoughts go through my head when I stop and savor a spectacular sunrise or sunset, and they all seem to be spectacular if we stop and look. These natural happenings freeze me and bring me to that place that we all seek, the now. Some people can achieve this on their own, but it has always eluded me. Nature has a way of doing it.
Sites like this always bring a little peace into my life. I must remember to stop and live in the moment when the opportunity presents itself. As far as the photo goes, I love the intricacy the shadows and reflections make of the structure below the fishing dock and the outline on the horizon, like that water tower to the far left that seems to be as far out of the water as that cloud lit up like a spotlight.
Peace to all


Jeannie said...

Awesomely spectacular.

When I happen to see the sunset, it's isn't always this beautiful but still, I often wonder why we don't make more of an effort to at least look when we get a free daily show.

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, thank you for that moment of peace and a deep breath, Man. So beautiful. Yes, nature is generous with those gifts. Off to Quebec today to enjoy some woods myself.

Peace and light for your weekend and every day.

Anonymous said...

yes, to be still in the moment. sometimes it's quite difficult but I can GO there just by looking at your sunset image.


Ramesh Sood said...

This is so beautiful.. but in such a lovely atmosphere why should desire should intensity.. ha, ha, I loved being here..

GYamato said...

Hey promised
but then with one simple beautiful haiku and one simply gorgeous photo all is forgiven :)

Rosie said...

Awesome photo! I just LOVE this! It's true we should take the time to savour these moments when life, and Nature's beauty surprise us... Peace to you too =)

Cheryl said...

Natures colours are spectacular, don't you agree?

Mel said...

Oh wow.....that's breath taking.....

Seriously so.

Sunrise seems to be a repeat time for me to stand in awe. Sunset does it as well, but sunrise is solitude--the world around me sleeps and there's just me and the wondrous moment.

Smart man to have the camera. LOL You learn well, Grasshopper! ;-)

rebecca said...

dear one,
i love your words today. you stopped time and opened hearts to see the sacred in the ordinary. i am sure everything we need, desire, hope for, is around all the time....we just have to stop, and feel the very power of it.
much love to you and always peace.

E Makes Art said...

It is also hard for me to remember to be in the moment, but yes beautiful scenes like this do help. This photo is nothing short of breathtaking. Truly stunning. A great post.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for all your kind words lately :-)


Nanka said...

Grandeur and magnificence!! The sun bidding farewell in the evening sky with such flare and majestically!!
Wish you much Peace!!

Irene said...

What a lovely place ... gorgeous shot!


Spadoman said...

Thanks to you all for your visits here and such wonderful and lovely comments. I appreciate it very much.


tami said...

such a beautiful image!
And happy anniversary! Much love to you both.

Hazel said...

Such a visual and verbal inspiration. My fave is "beautiful, vivid sunset."

mig said...

Stunning. I'm with you in the now (even though it was a day or two ago:). Thank you 'Man.

Susie Clevenger said...

Beautiful photo and camera is my eyes to remember the beauty I come across in my days..