Friday, July 6, 2012

More Gifts

Haiku My Heart
July 6, 2012

Haiku My Heart already! Must be Friday. I look forward to the blog today as friends meet and share their photos, their stories and their Haiku. All of this and more can be found at Rebecca’s recuerda mi corazon. May I also mention that This Link will show  and tell you how you can win a beautiful piece of artwork for your very own simply by making a small donation to help others. Enjoy the day.

God remains alive
In the shadow of Mary
Words painted on wood
Favorite colors
Strikingly beautiful art
Patterns to gaze at

Last week, I wrote Haiku about a gift I received in the mail from a blogger friend. A beautiful hand made book. This week, I will do the same. Two more Haiku for two more gifts.
One was a piece that was to be given away as a contest. I entered and was notified that I won. I received the small painting on wood block in the mail. The artist is Lisa DiNunzio and she posts on her blog, Priti Studio. As Lisa explains on her side bar, “Priti is a Sanscrit word meaning satisfaction from creating beauty and joy.”
I don’t remember where and how I met Lisa, but it was on the blogs. She posted her last name and it is pure Italian. That endured me to her immediately because of our shared Italian heritage. Besides, she is pretty, or priti, beautiful in fact, and so is her art.
The faces come alive. I see expressions of all kinds when I look into the eyes. I especially love her Frida Kahlo interpretations as well as her devotion to Mary.
I have a Mary collection in my home. I love the way different artists depict the Blessed Virgin and started collection images, mostly of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Priti studio announced a contest to do something like enter a comment and have the possibility of your name being drawn to win this smart little, about 4” X 7” Mary, painted on a wooden block. I won.

I’ve added this portrait to my Los Dias de Los Muertos, The Days of the Dead, permanent altar because of the skeleton in the upper left corner of the piece. I used the words printed on the painting as part of my Haiku. It seemed natural when I counted the syllables.

Our permanent Los Dias de Los Muertos altar at Spadoville

This next piece is a simple gift sent to me by Cheryl Ford who pens the Cheryl’s Excellent Adventure blog. I don’t know a lot about Cheryl, but I know she loves photography and is quite good at capturing images as well as collage art and painting. She is very active in her community art circles and promotes art in the Pacific Northwest where she resides. Her enthusiasm and wonderful smile show through all of her creations.
Cheryl had a series of paintings she showcased some time ago. She explained what the abstract random lines might be as “A bridge over troubled waters.” I saw something totally different and told her about my interpretation of Pirate ship masts with skeletons, swords and ghostly images.
What drew me to the paintings at first were the color combinations as I love the use of yellows and golds with red. I honestly love the series from her blog and I am trying to purchase it. 

In the meantime, Cheryl painted a smaller canvas and sent it to me as a gift. I love the patterns. I love the colors. Earlier in our lives, Cheryl and I traded art. I think it was last year when I made her a small Dream Catcher and she sent me some art cards that I had admired. I sincerely appreciate this gift from my friend.
Each of these artists have an Etsy shop. Peruse their blog posts to see more of their artwork, then go to their shop and check out the offerings.
Priti Lisa’s is Priti Studio Etsy Shop
Or, there is a link to Priti Art For Sale right on her blog just below the header.
I thank Lisa for sending this to me and for being a friend in Blogland.
I sincerely thank Cheryl for thinking of me and sending me this original piece of her artwork.
I’ll leave you with one more haiku today. This sums up the feelings I get from giving and receiving not only the artwork, but the words spoken to each other through the blog world postings.
Gifts, from near and far
Soothing the savage heartbeat
Knowing we are loved
Peace to all


carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post about sharing and connecting with people 'near and far' ~ your haiku come from your soul and speak of a loving soul ~ thanks for being you ~ ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Kim Mailhot said...

Lisa and I have a special connection too and I have a piece of her art in my bedroom. She is one Priti lady! So glad her beautiful Mary has found her way to you.
So many well deserved gifts, Man. Love that.
Happy Friday!
Ps when you have a chance, could you email me your address. I think I have some things that need to find there way to you too. :)

billie said...

hot, hazy, humid
fireflies blink lazily-
summertime full swing

Jeannie said...

Lucky you!

Lea said...

Thank you so for sharing these gifts will all of us... I too love Fridays and not knowing where a simple link will take me, how my heart will be moved by someone expressing what moves their heart in word and photo and as you say so well, in our connections... your haiku is lovely, I will think today on listening for God in the shadow of Mary... thank you!

somepinkflowers said...

mary sits and stands,
watching over you, smiling...
knowing you love Her.

Karen said...

Like souls connect effortlessly. Beautiful gifts to receive!

Cheryl said...

Thank you for your kind words and haiku. I love reading your blog for the wonderful stories of your trips and connections with people. I love that your altar is permanent.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You are blessed, my friend, blessed indeed! What riches have come your way!

Noelle Clearwater said...

Such a rich array of the sacred and the beautiful here displayed on an altar where the spirits hover and visit regularly. Your own heartfelt pneuma, depth of insight and love for others pervade this post. Thank you for sharing the lovely work of others and yourself.
Love and Peace,

Anonymous said...

and you are so deserving of these gifts...happy that one of my pieces joins your growing and beautiful Day of the Dead collection!

Bruce Miller said...

"alive in the shadow" is an amazing, amazing haiku. Thanks for sharing it!

Rachel said...

What great gifts, have a great weekend!

rebecca said...

dear spadoman,
thank you for taking us into your home and heart. your family altar is filled with beauty and love. i am so honored to know you and your family. so thrilled to share dia de los muertos with you this year in beautiful san miguel!
love the love that comes to you through the air waves and in the mail!

foxysue said...

Hi Joe, these works of art are lovely, the sharing of hearts in a tangible way is beautiful. I received a gift through the post myself this week from a fellow blogger, she's American but lives in Italy at present!

This really is a beautiful blogging world!

Ms Foxy x

yeahokthen said...

Great post - LOVE your shrine! Those girts really are a blessing...

Spadoman said...

Thank you all for the wonderful comments

I couldn't find out much information about Yeahokthen
Might this be who I think it is? If so, well, I have been thinking about you but afraid to call. If this isn't who I think it is, sorry, never mind then. But thanks for stopping by, everyone!


Dawn Elliott said...

I love your Dia de Los Muertos altar, as well as the fact that you are getting a blast of art in your life right now! It's wonderful to see just who inspires each other...and I can see why they do!

Mel said...

I love that your shrine is a focal point day in, day out--as well it should, eh?

And the Haiku's? Excellent!
And you thought you couldn't write Haikus.....pshaw!

What lovely gifts to be gifted.
And how fitting--without any effort on anyone's part noless.

Fallingladies said...

I agree, i love Priti Lisa's art as well, and feel very lucky to have some of it! Love your Spadoville altar too!

Marit said...

Trading art and words, giving and receiving art pieces - it's pure love! I like the peek into your life every Friday!

Priti Lisa said...

Thank you, Joe for making me feel so very special, my Magdalene looks right at home...perfect.
As perfect as you haiku and Cheryl's art...all beautifull all touched my heart, ♥♥♥

Caterina Giglio said...

lisa sent me, so glad she did, I like your post on sharing, love her magdalene, lucky guy...
and your 4th of july post... ciao, ciao..