Friday, February 17, 2012

What's In a Name?

Haiku My Heart
February 17, 2012

Beautiful Lake Superior near Ashland, Wiscosnin
 See more Haiku My Heart entries at Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon.

Towns in Wisconsin

Luck Strum Knapp Thorp El Paso


I'll be up at the Great Lake Superior this weekend. I'll drive right through Cornucopia and pass near Luck. Yes, there is an El Paso, WI and it's not too far from Spadoville. We visit Thorp every year for the Pumpkin Festival in October, and I pass through Strum on my way to Chicago. Knapp? Well, I've been there, but not lately. It's not too far from where I live, between River Falls and Menomonie on US Highway 12.

I like the way the names fit in Haiku, and it does my heart good to be back on the road a little.

Peace to all


Jeannie said...

A Cornucopia of strange names.

I bet we have a few here too although now they sound pretty normal to us.

Hope you are still on the upswing.

I like your picture and your haiku

Kim Mailhot said...

There are many unusual or noteworthy names of places in Quebec. The one that sprang to mind was St.Louis-du-Ha-Ha. (Pronounced Louie). Been through but never spent time there ! Must be a hoot to have that in your address !
Happy and peaceful trails, Man !


Mel said...

Oh, how can you NOT love that lakeside photo--it's just gorgeous with the peeking sun. *sigh* I need some lake time!

And yep, we've got some strange ones around here, too. I'm rather fond of Delhi, which is pronounced Dell-High, for the record.....which in and of itself is silly.....LOL

foxysue said...

It does my heart good to hear you are on the road and haiku-ing about your journey!

Love to you,

Ms Foxy

carol l mckenna said...

Fun haiku ~ great photo ~ and enjoy yourself ~ have fun! ~ namaste, carol (A CreativeHarbor)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, you clever haiku weaver, you! :)

A Famine of Ink

Marit said...

Enjoy your trip Joe! And yes, the towns do sound like a poem... I hope you sing them when you pass through the streets!

Anonymous said...

I like they way they roll off the tongue too.

HAppy traveling!

Dawn Elliott said...

I was delighted to learn that you were back on the road right now! Have fun in your beautifully-sounding towns!

Priti Lisa said...

Hi Joe :)
Magic how you got the names to fit perfectly...and...
what you wrote after sounds like a song. I shall dub you Mr. Lyrical.

rebecca said...

it seems to be your music,
"On the Road Again".

even from here i feel your jOy!