Saturday, December 10, 2011

Virgin in My Sister's Back Yard Day 10

A Virgin a Day
December 10, 2011

A Virgin a Day has been going on since December first. It will end on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe which is Monday, December twelfth. To see more submissions, please visit Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog. You wll be delighted.

I did an article on my blog about my sister’s back yard not that long ago. In fact, I wrote it for Haiku My Heart, another of Rebecca's wonderful creations. I’ll give you a link to that article and just post pictures of Mary on this A Virgin a Day post today.

We were all brought up Catholic and under my mother’s influence. There was no way we could ever escape the idea that Mary was a powerful force in our lives. And although I don’t have anything to do with organized religion of any kind, as you’ve seen throughout this twelve days of Virgins and the twelve days of last year, Mary is in my life in many different ways.

So it is with my sister and her home and yard. I took these photos while visiting her last Summer. We were siting around talking. I had my camera in my shirt pocket and just walked over to the lilac bush and started snapping off shots. The photos above are from that session. 
These two phots below are from inside the spare bedroom where my sister has set up a small altar on an old breakfront cabinet. These two are just a small sample from the collection of The Blessed Virgin my mother kept throughout her life.

Just two days left after today for A Virgin a Day. Hope you enjoyed my contribution for Day 10.


rebecca said...

thank you for taking us back to your sisters beautiful back yard, and for taking us inside! i love that on this day, day ten of our mary walk, i have had the honor of seeing some of the very marys that your mother spoke to through all the days of her life. thank you spadoman for this glimpse into the women of your family.
i love that the voice you hear, the song you sing day in and day out is a song of peace.

you bless everyone you meet with this calling.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful images ~ so beautiful ~ and such love ~ and peace ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy AVAD ^_^

Mel said...

Yup--she's still a pretty one with her purples.
You're so graced to have such wonderful family roots. It just didn't happen in my life. I'm always amazed and in awe when I get to see how far reaching those roots truly are.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Spadoman, hope you are doing well. Beautiful images in your sister's yard and your Mom's Blessed Virgin stautues. It's wonderful that you have them. Happy Holidays to you and yours, take care.

Unknown said...

I also do not have anything to do with organized religion but Mary is different and I also love the saints. The stories surrounding them are amazing!! Thanks for these beautiful pics!!

Gayle said...

Thank you for sharing your sisters garden again. I am new here so I would have missed it otherwise.
Beautiful tribute to Mary AND to your Mother.

gma said...

Peace to you. Your photographs and your sister's back yard shrine show inspiring devotion.

somepinkflowers said...


i am betting these marys
gave your mother
much comfort
and joy...

for mary
to spread such peace
means to me
she has accomplished her job...

Georgina said...

Great post! Brings back memories of my grandmother's garden in Mexico. She had these beautiful little shrines her her garden, one to the Mary and the other, of course, to 'Lupita.

Thanks for the flashback.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your contributions Mr Spadoman...and the journey back into the sun in your sisters yard is very welcome as well.


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I feel like a 'lame' Catholic as I have nothing in my yard by way of statuary examples! I find this all so inspirational and hope that I can hang on to this feeling throughout the year.

Miss Robyn said...

thankyou so much for sharing this! I am in the process of creating another little shrine in my front yard and your sisters garden has given me some ideas..

I wasn't brought up a Catholic, i converted about 22 years ago.. but before that, Mary was with me always - and I didn't realize :)

irene said...

You have made a full circle from Catholic schools back to Marys in your sister's yard and telling us your stories. Your sharing are so welcoming. I can imagine your door open and you saying come on in, I have a story for you. I would be all ears. Thank you, Mr. Spadoman.

foxysue said...

A simple family home can be all the church you need when love lives there!

Ms Foxy x

Noelle Clearwater said...

I remember that lovely post about your sister's backyard Joe and the netting around the virgin coming from a fruit box. I loved that story. Such beautiful visions of Mary here, all the history of your family in one place. How very special and thank you for sharing it with us today. I love the purple flowers that grace the statue.Such a mark of love and beauty.
Peace and Light,

mig said...

Oh these so take me back to my childhood!

Priti Lisa said...

Once introduced to Mary, one can never escape her touch. Her presence is wish is that others would be as you are...I hold you in esteem, Joseph, as a man and a human being.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I remember enjoying your haiku post about your sister's garden. All of these Marys are lovely and whether we practice religion or not, she is an archetype in the human psyche. Thanks so much. Can't believe there are only two days left!

Dawn Elliott said...

I certainly did enjoy your offering today! It's lovely to see Mary's presence at your sister's home. I guess your mother's Catholic influence stayed with your sister, no?

moXieantiques said...

Thank you for sharing.. i have come to know your blog by name now... and thank you for sharing... your family's faith tradition...and the virgin in your sister's backyard... this is a part of you to treasure...
i have a shop full of statues but none of them made it to my backyard yet! :)...