Saturday, October 22, 2011

Shadows in Fog

Shadow Shot Sunday
October 23, 2011
Every Sunday, folks from all around the world post their shadow shots. See more and find out how you can participate at Hey Harriet's Photography

The morning fog never did burn off completely this particular day. With sunshine all around, College Cove near Trinidad, California remained shrouded in fog and shadows.

This beach is a place I visit often when I am in Northern California. It features large sand hills, blow holes, rocky outcroppings and plenty of rock hunting, all in a rain forest-like atmosphere. Agates abound along with many other colors and varieties of round edged stones. A great place to hike, climb and surf. A true jewel of a beach on the Pacific Ocean.

Enjoy your day today as you wander through the blogs looking at Shadows.



Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

What a glorious place Trinidad looks like-particularly in the fog! By the way, your link on SSS is last week's link. I knew better, so just typed in your address to see the current post!

Gemma Wiseman said...

So love mystical places like this! And how lovely in monochrome! It brings out all the subtle variations of tone!

I must thank you for the thoughtful comments you leave on my blog! Greatly appreciated!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

This is a spectacular shot Joe .. I would love to wander this area myself .. we lived on Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia for a couple of years .. but I never got around to wander the wild side of the island facing the Pacific and that hit of primitive nature : )

Angie said...

Thanks for visiting me. Sad to say blogger won't let me see your pics!

FiveSibesMom said...

That is a beautiful shot. A very good friend of mine is from Trinidad, I will have to show him this very beautiful and mysterious shot.

Thanks for stopping by my blog on SSS!

Chubskulit Rose said...

This is a beauiful shot! Thanks for visiting.

Mel said...


Can't you just imagine a pirate ship suddenly appearing?!

Very cool shot. I'm a lover of misty/foggy shots.

LV said...

Enjoyed your visit very much. I love sights like the one you shared today. Nice SSS.

mig said...

What a simply beautiful photo. And what a wonderful place it sounds like.

Dianne said...

I love misty silvery skies
I love foggy days
gives me a sense of peace and quiet
the sun can be so pushy ;)

wonderful photo

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

What an eerie photo, Spadoman. Eerie and mysterious--and oh-so-seductive!


Shadow, shadow drawing near,
You are all alone, I fear;
Let me be your new-found friend—
I’ll stick with you to the end!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

River Shadows

robin. said...

i just love fog pictures...and then the black and white adds to the beauty!! awesome shadow post!!!

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful area! I have explored around there a few times.

Kelly said...

The fog lends an eerie atmosphere to this photo. It's beautiful!

Dimple said...

It has been a long time, but I have been to Trinidad beach. It is a beautiful place!

Thanks for your thoughts on the balloon I "tamed." Probably not many others would have walked by it, as it was on a skid trail on our property, but I do wonder about its story...

Sylvia K said...

Oh, such a glorious place indeed! The fog makes it look so mystical! Fantastic capture, Joe, I love it! It literally took my breath away! I'm so glad you got your connection fixed as I would have hated to have missed this one! Hope you have a great week!


Full-On-Forward said...

This is a Post Card I would purchase. I love everything about this photo! Thanks for fixing the link---I would have hated to miss it!


Unknown said...

Lovely foggy shadows... I've been to this place... long ago... when I was living in Northern California...
Rainey @ The Project Table

Cassie said...

Beautiful ShadowShot. This fog makes a really great B&W photo. We've had morning fog here the past few days...I love to look at it slowly moving around! Have a good week ahead.

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

What a beautiful moody photo!

Chubby Chieque said...

Wow! what a great capture!

Looks heaven from here. A whimsical shot! Loving it!

TY lots for coming to Sweden. Much appreciated.

Hope you have an enjoyable day ahead.


BLOGitse said...

Mysterious, dramatic...great shot!
Have a good week!

Linnea said...

It's really a beautiful shot. WOW! I've seen photos of this area but haven't been up there in a long time. I'd love to visit that part of NorCal one day. Thanks for stopping by at my shadow.

katherine. said...

This beach is a place I visit often when I am in Northern California

How often are you in northern California? Next time turn left and follow the coast down a few hundred miles.