Friday, September 16, 2011

Visitors From Abroad

Haiku My Heart
September 16, 2011

Friday is the day many of us gather at my friend Rebecca's blogsite and share haiku. You can see and read more submissions by clicking on this link to the recuerda mi corazon blog.

Landing space platform
Imagine silver space ships
Tiny green figures

Of course this rock formation found alongside the road from Santa Fe to Espanola, NM wasn't for alien landing craft, but what if it was? I woke this morning with a "What if" mentality, (and a bit of whimsical spirit).

This place is called Camel Rock. If you use your imagination, you can see in my photos the figure of a camel. The stock photo below from Google images shows the idea far better than my attempts. (Oh to have the skill of the Molokai with my cell phone).

I just couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to be high atop the camel's "head". Then realized there is no easy way up or down. Those ancients that landed here with their space craft probably left after having a look around.

I'm in Arizona, traveling with Mrs. Spadoman back to New Mexico.

Peace to all


Marit said...

I could see those little green men landing, you described it perfectly! They almost stared at me with their big, black eyes... ha! Love your haiku my friend! Enjoy the trip home with the Mrs.

Dawn Elliott said...

What a fun take on Camel Rock!
My husband and I are headed that way in a few weeks...maybe we'll check it out. Fun Haiku!

Rosie said...

Safe trip to you both!! I love that camel rock - how cool! And I can imagine spaceships landing there too! =)

foxysue said...

Actually I prefer your camel, I could see it clearly the first time! Cosmic!

Ms Foxy x

Nanka said...

Beautiful Camel Rock and so perfectly formed!! The fun and excitement that you have added with space ships and green aliens makes it even more interesting!! I am amazed at this natural beauty!!

All good wishes!!

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Great idea for Haiku and the picture makes your mind wonder.


Anonymous said...

I recognize this Camel Rock. Have you ever read Craig Child's? I think you would enjoy his writing about this landscape.

continue your safe travels.

Mel said...

Ha! I love the rock and I'da chose that first photo, tyvm!

Very cool--but so are you, so..goes to figure, eh?


Annie Jeffries said...

What a fun view. I must confess, I am far more comfortable with the idea of looking up. Looking down would not have a good end result.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

My imagination fails me at the point of little green men! All I see in the photos is a reclining camel!

Chimes here and here and here

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great camel rock, Joe...your photo did the trick for me, saw it right off. In my younger days I never once wondered if I'd take photos with a phone. Funny huh?

Cheryl said...

I love your haiku. I wonder if the aliens came here, created the Grand Canyons and all the beautiful rock formations in NM and AZ, before leaving on another adventure. Have fun in NM with Mrs. Spadoman. Are you going to any flea markets?

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your sw adventures. A magical place.

Noelle Clearwater said...

Hello Joe,
I know Camel Rock well and have passed it many times on that road when I lived in Santa Fe. It brings back a lot of good memories but I love your take on it as an alien landing site. I hope you and Mrs. Spadoman are having a wonderful time. Sorry to be so late. Trying to scrape up money for school and finally found some.
Peace, Love and Hugs,

mig said...

I have to say 'Man I much prefer your cell phone photos to the stock photo. Much more interesting and just as revealing.