Friday, August 12, 2011

Time To Purify

Haiku My Heart
August 12, 2011

Many thanks to my friend Rebecca for starting this fabulous weekly Haiku My Heart. Today, I know she longs for the tranquil cabin in the Northwoods, but couldn't make the trip. This Haiku is for anyone that needs it, but especially for her. See more Haiku My Heart by going to her recuerda mi corazon blog.

Prayers rise from ashes
Pure healing thoughts sent your way
Sweet smudge aroma

Since the time I realized healing had started in my turmoil filled troubled life, burning sage, or smudging as it is called, has been a part of it. The sage is dried, lit with a match and set afire. The flame is extinguished and the sage is allowed to smolder. Your prayers are put into the sage and the smoke rises upwards to the universe, carrying your prayers to the Great Mystery. The smoke circles you and takes your thoughts beyond the Star Nation to be heard. You are purified and cleansed. Confident that your prayers are heard, you carry on with lightness and ease of mind. Healing has started or maybe continued, for your special purpose, but always for all of humanity. Always for the health and happiness of the people as we are all related.

Today, if you need prayer, take what you need and leave the rest.

Peace and Mitakwe Oyasin


Christopher said...

Thank you, Spadoman. I'd never heard of this before. We do grow sage here, as a (an?)herb, without suspecting it might have other properties. Unfortunately, outdoor fires are forbidden here in the S. of France from March 15th - September 15th for fear of the forest fires that devastate such large areas every year, so any messages to the Great Mystery will have to wait for a month or so.


Rosie said...

Oh thanks so much for this! I have a friend who makes "smudge sticks" with sage and other dried herbs. When we have moved, I intend to do the same - grow herbs for that purpose. I think I shall write my prayers to the Universe out and burn them in our baby cauldron soon.
Thank you for sharing and the healing thoughts are much appreciated. =)

Snap said...

Oh, goodness. I *smudged* this morning in the garden .... leaving it at the foot of my Buddha ... wishing ALL WELL ... using the Metta prayer. You (and another of the Haiku posters) brought some treasured memories up from the deep today. When I was very young, I would go with my Father when he visited the Navajo nation to repair medical equipment at some of the clinics. I have fond memories of the colors, the feelings, the smells of these wonderful people.

Wishing YOU well.

Marit said...

I needed a prayer dear friend! I feel like an antenne this week, seems that everyone picks up my 'vibes' and vice versa... thanks for the wonderful haiku!

Kim Mailhot said...

I take the prayer, deep inside, in gratitude. And in return, I leave you one from my heart as well.
Peace, Man, peace and thanks.

Nanka said...

Thank you Spadoman for an enlightening post today and greater knowledge and understanding about a subject. You have a heart of gold and your thoughts reach out to all humanity!!
Wish you peace and happiness forever!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Is good to pause and reflect on the words. Thank you and wishing you well! Cathy

Kathleen Barnes said...

Lovely. I was taught about smudging by an Lovely Santa Fe Native american artist, who still smudges my home for me when she comes for a visit.

Anonymous said...

I love this sentiment...take what you need and leave the rest.

wonderful weekend to you.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I need these prayers, Spadoman, so I'm helping myself to them. Thank you for your wise and compassionate provision. Blessings to you always, my friend.

rebecca said...

dear one,

sage. healing. generosity.
peace. universal love.
your offering, as simple and pure as light.
your generosity, as infinite as stars.
you have blessed us all greatly,
lifting hearts in a way only stars could completely understand.

thank you friend.

Cheryl said...

Thank you for your prayer and the gift of sage wisdom. Many are in need right now. Love your haiku.

Noelle Clearwater said...

I love this post, its earnestness of belief and straightforward-from-the-heart advice for living for healing and for transformation. You offer so much to anyone coming here, not knowing what his or her affliction might be ~only, that we all have trouble and that we are all related. That is a beautiful thing.
Peace and Light,

Spadoman said...

Thank you all for gracing these pages.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you.

miss pie said...

how heavenly spadoman... i love the thought of confidence that prayers are heard and freedom alights on one as a butterfly... it is good to find peace in a prayer... have a wonderful trip...

mig said...

There's something about your posts that always makes me feel part of whole - the world, the healing Earth and the community of well wishers on it. So many people use the internet and your way of using it is a healing one.

Always wishing you peace, dear 'Man.

Mel said...

k....I'm irritated the post that I put up--got ate by the post eating Moof Monster.
I'm thinking that in and of itself is an indication of the prayers needed.

<-- was taking life too seriously

<-- needed smudged

<-- has sidewalk chalk and USED it!!

<-- was still taking life too darn seriously

<-- DEFINITELY was in need of those prayers...and I know I've been the recipient

JUST sayin'.......

(((((((((( Spadoman ))))))))))))

Eternally grateful, sir.

tami said...

love the ceremony - and the thought take what you need and leave the rest. Thank you. Have a wonder full week!

tami said...

love the ceremony - and the thought take what you need and leave the rest. Thank you. Have a wonder full week!