Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Mexican Desert

Haiku My Heart Friday
January 28, 2011

I'm living in my new (to me) 25 year old RV set up at The Artesian RV Park in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico. I have been coming down here for the past 20 years or so. The weather is so much different than the below zero cold air blasts that I came from, and although it is warming up a bit in the Northland, the sunshine here has a wonderful healing effect on me.

I drove out to the desert, away from town today. I sat in the deafening silence in the sun, and let whatever spirits that wanted to carry me along, do so. I went willingly and feel like I am certainly on a healing path.

More to come soon as I get settled. For now, I'll let the photo and these words speak from my heart to you.

Along the Rio Grande River near Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico

Soft desert winds blow
Grandfather sun glows bright, warm
Healing energy

To read more Haiku My Heart or to participate, visit Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog.



rebecca said...

you have arrived!
such beauty, it seems nature speaks to you like no one else.
i am content knowing your skin is sun warmed, the river is strong, taking away all life's troubles. time is on your side.
knowing you are there....all the stars will shine brighter. the sun, warmer.
i can feel it.


E said...

Sound like a beautiful spirited place to be. I will be there too in my thoughts. As it is still cold here too. Have a wonderful adventure.

Deann LMFT said...

I love New Mexico. It is definitely one of those places I hope I end up. Thanks for bringing us along on your journey.

Nanka said...

Beautiful place to be in. And a fun way to travel!!

We enjoy the old grandfather all year round, and if we have a few cloudy days with no sun coming out, we can feel the difference.

No wonder people in the cold regions appreciate the sun so very much.

Enjoy the warm sunny days ahead Spadoman, may it glow bright!!

english inukshuk said...

"I sat in the deafening silence in the sun, and let whatever spirits that wanted to carry me along, do so."



Anonymous said...

Very descriptive photo. Cool haiku too.

Have a nice day, Boonie

joco said...

What a majestic landscape.
How beautiful our world is.

It looks so robust where you are.
Hope it doesn't turn out to be fragile after all.

Take all the spiritual nourishment on offer, and pass a little of it on to us in the frozen North :-)

Christopher said...

Could you remind us how Truth or Consequences got its name? Happy refreshing travels...

...and of course peace.

deb did it said...

warming Grand Father,
freedom on the road again
may you find your peace

tami said...

beautiful. Love the photo and haiku. so happy you are in the sun : ) My photo today is a New Mexico sunrise. I thought of you when I chose it.

Ramesh Sood said...

Beautiful.. Spadoman.. Look at my second entry will see me smiling..and happy..

Anonymous said...

what a treasure...this time to sit and reflect and take it all in.


Meri said...

Lift your face to the sun and heal, my friend.

Kim Mailhot said...

I think every single one of us should have to visit a place called "Truth Or Consequences" at least one in their lives...
Soak it all up, Man !

foxysue said...

It is so lovely to think of you sitting in your RV and thinking of each of us! To think of you taking all you need to nourish your soul on your 'healing path' and sending some of the healing energy our way!

We are all so far away, but so close!

I love this haiku and soft image,

Hugs from MS foxy x

susan said...

Very beautiful and I'm glad to know you arrived safely. Enjoy the sun and the silence.

Spadoman said...

Thank you all for stopping by and posting your thoughts. They are much appreciated.

Peace to all

paper-n-soul said...

It looks and sounds absolutely healing. Nature spirits are so good for that. Every year, along about mid-January, I start to dream of being a lizard, basking on a warm rock in the sunshine.

Enjoy your journey.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

"Grandfather sun"--Oh, I like that image!

Mel said...

What beautiful words--and what a gorgeous place to let the healing happen.

I'm sooooooooooo glad you've arrived safe and sound. Thanks for checking in along the way.
Now I can enjoy the scenery! :-)