Friday, September 17, 2010

Haiku My Heart Fridays, September 17, 2010

Writing Haiku on Fridays seems to have caught on. For me, it is the "From the heart" part that really pulls me in. When I travel around to the others that participate and read their poetry, I am put into another world, a world they are sharing with us all. To view other Friday Haiku blogs, see the beautiful photos and participate, go see Rebecca at recuerdo mi corazon

The night September sky as seen from my perch in New Mexico

Daylight's end is near

Evening spirits wander here

Night shadows appear

I've just returned from a nine day motorcycle trip that took me from my home in Wisconsin down to Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico. Seems that all I did was ride my motorcycle and eat green chile. I did take some photos with a new camera and traveled a few roads I had never been on before. More about this trip as time moves forward.

This shot of the crescent moon and evening star reminded me that there is a Star Nation above us, day and night, but we only get to imagine the spirits that surround us when daylight wanes and the night sky lights their way. ( I know, it's a planet, but I call 'em stars).

Who knows what spirits might be watching, visiting or traveling with us as we crawl on the Sacred Earth Mother. I like to think there are many that see us and accompany us along our chosen paths, or maybe even some that guide us in a certain direction. And if you subscribe to the theory of the existence of Angels, well, maybe they are there, and maybe they are the spirits of which I speak. Spirits, Angels, all one in the same to me.

This latest trip gave me a lot of traveling meditation and the thoughts that I pondered may have triggered some changes in my life. Hopefully these are good changes and were managed by these same Spirit Guides and Helpers that looked down on me from the celestial orbs above.



Mel said...

What a gorgeous photo--and haiku. And I couldn't help but smile and enjoy that warm feeling in my heart from what you shared.

Welcome home, sir.

(((((((( Spadoman )))))))))))

Nice to have you back--but I'm extremely glad for the journey you got to take.

Summer Gypsy said...

Awesome image! Your haiku speaks of my favorite time as daylight fades into the distance. No better place to reflect than the open road. Happy trails, road warrior!:)

Ileana said...

Beautiful haiku and image. It takes me away.

Have a great weekend!

english inukshuk said...

just beautiful!


(glad you're home, safe and sound)

deb did it said...

fabulous photo! I want to drench myself in your's good to see you back! Hold onto the Peace.

tami said...

beautiful image - made me quite homesick to think of new mexico and green chili! nothing better than the smell of green chili roasting!

EG CameraGirl said...

The end of day is a wonderful time, I agree!

Welcome home!

rebecca said...

you have a wonderful way of leading us
to take important pause...

i find beauty walking beside you
and always
thank you....

Anonymous said...

Love the photo and Haiku.
Enjoyable post. Thanks for sharing this.

All the best, Boonie

Meri said...

Beautiful haiku. Love the narrative piece even more. I can feel your reverence for the vastness, the potential of stillness. Wow.

Riette said...

What a lovely haiku! Beautiful words!

paper-n-soul said...

Your new camera takes great photos. Sounds like your trip was enjoyable.

Yes, the evening spirits do seem to reach out to us a little more, especially under such a gorgeous sky. 'Tis a sacred moment that comes through in your photo and your verse.


Ron said...

Welcome back, Spadoman!

HOLY COW...what a beautiful photograph! And your haiku is equally as beautiful.

Yes, I too believe in the existence of angels/spirits who might be watching, visiting or traveling with us; guiding us in a certain direction.

Wonderful post! And like Mel shared...I couldn't help but smile and enjoy a warm feeling in my heart.

Have a grrrrreat weekend!

Noelle Clearwater said...

Hi Spadoman,
I love your Haiku and photo. I lived in Santa Fe for a year and my sister and nephews are still there. I am going there in October and will visit some sacred places and take a photo journey if I can. I especially love Jemez. I am not sure if you know that area. I love the idea of celestial guides. My mom passed five years ago and I often think that she watches over me from above. It is a lovely thought. Thank you for the beautiful post.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Beautiful photo and I love your haiku and your words. Spirit guides, helpers and angels - Sacred Mother Earth - I like the idea of these, I could live with them.

Spadoman said...

Thank you all for such wonderful comments, and thank you Rebecca for starting me on this road to attempting to be somewhat poetic. Believe me, I write as I am thinking, as if I was telling you my thoughts. If any of you were to be sitting at the park bench or coffee shop table with me, this is what I'd be saying to you. I believe these things, not so much as absolute truths, but as a guide to how I perceive my own path in life.

I thank you, each and every one of you.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful...I cherish the idea that there is a community watching and helping us on each of our personal journey's.

ms pie said...

there is something abt new mexico that's very special... the sante cristo mts have that same spiritual feeling as well... i can understand your thoughts well... it happened to me when i passed thru new mexico too.. i wanted to stay..

Vinay Leo R. said...

seeing some real good metaphors in HMH this time! :) wonderful.. night shadows.. like that!