Saturday, June 19, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday is a meme started by Tracy who writes the Hey Harriet blog. For guidelines and information on how to participate, look Here.

I recently returned from a road trip which took me from my home in River Falls, WI out to the West coast. I did some interstate highway driving, but I prefer the 2-lane backroads. A more peaceful drive with fantastic scenery. Todays Shadow Shot was taken early in the morning as I crossed into Colorado from Wyoming just West of Laramie. As I came to the border, I see some threatening weather only to find it is a huge massive cloud suspended above the Medicine Bow Mountains. The second photo is of a rainbow I spotted just off to the West when nearing the pass into Colorado on the same mountain range.

On this journey, I took many photos with the Shadow Shot Sunday theme in mind. As the weeks move forward, I'll share them with you. Being aware of what I'm actually seeing made the trip even more interesting for me than usual. Some of my photos had a purpose. I hope you enjoy them.

The trip took me to California via central Nevada with a week spent riding motorcycles along the Lost Coast and Kings Range just North of Mendecino. I also had two days riding in Nevada's Toiyabi National Forest near Austin along US Highway 50.

A striking cloud hanging over the mountains at the border where Wyoming highway 230 meets Colorado highway 127 just West of Laramie

As I drove in sunshine, the rain fell in the mountains creating a fabulous rainbow and engulfing the entire mountain in shadow

Peace to all.


Unknown said...

Great shadows over the mountains, and what a beautiful rainbow capture too! It sounds like you had an awesome roadtrip.

EG CameraGirl said...

The countryside is lovely. Yes, it's way more interesting to drive the back roads. I look forward to seeing more of your trip.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love the shadows over the mountains! What lovely countryside indeed! And, of course, I love the rainbow! What wonderful captures for the day! Enjoy your weekend!


Angie said...

That's some big shadow over the mountains! Great shot.

Fire Byrd said...

You definately do big in America. What an amazing landscape.

Christopher said...

Good to have you back, Spadoman. Impressive photos. Seems to have been a great trip. I've missed your grass-roots common sense and honest expression of feeling. Would that more people in higher places shared it!

Mel said...

You're BACK! :-)

You're back with amazing photos!!
Yup--definitely missed, sir.
Been awful quiet with you away, but I do hope it was as amazing of a time as the photos show.
(((((( Spadoman ))))))

Yup--things photo 'differently' when I'm taking them for more than just me.

Seriously--I missed your presence. I'm glad you're returned, safe and sound. And I do hope to get to hear and see more of the adventure.

Happy Father's Day to you, sir!

rebecca said...

i missed you here and thought of you out there opened eyed and open hearted experiencing the our world.

i lived in mendocino for nine incredible years. god's country.
all you had to do to fill your soul was open your eyes.

welcome home.

A Wild Thing said...

You make me long for those youthful days living in the high country of Colorado and backpacking weekends where no tourist tread...sigh...I envy you to be able to take off and ride your dreams, new adventures too was the dream of my Dad, all of his loner trips to Alaska, California, the East Coast...he always wanted to be a bush pilot, but the BMW was more economical. I love to listen to his traveling tales and will miss them when he's traveling beyond...maybe flying, who knows, but to have those dreams...

The Bucket List was fabulous, too bad for me making a living is still top of the list...if not, I could be dangerous!!!

Have a wonderful journey free man!



jabblog said...

I love that first photo - terrific!
- and you caught a rainbow in the second. I'm still waiting to do that :-)
(Canary Wharf is in Docklands, London, UK)

Christine said...

Well, first I have to say that those photos are just beautiful. I do believe I have taken a photo of and from the very spot several years ago!
Secondly: you drove right past my house and didn't stop in to say hello? I am soooo disappointed. :D Glad you had such a good trip, though. Although I may never forgive you...

Anonymous said...

Great shots! Our clouds are pretty spectacular.

Happy that you home safe and hope you will share more of your trip!

the pizza dough is sold all ready to use...fresh/frozen, that's why it's such a find for me:)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Welcome home! I am looking forward to seeing the images from your travels! I love that huge shadow cast by the cloud over a rather good sized mountain range.
Sounds like you had a great riding trip. My brother in law and his wife just came out here from San Diego on their Harley.

This Eclectic Life said...

The rainbow is my favorite, of course. I love me some rainbows. Hope you are doing well, my friend.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

dark clouds hovering
over mountain range like hen
protecting her chicks

susan said...

Wow, the pictures are beautiful. We drove across the country on our way to moving out here and there were times I simply forgot the camera because it was so amazing to be surrounded by the magnificence.

Hey Harriet said...

Wow! Gigantic shadows you captured! These photos are magic and show such a stunning part of the world! I'm looking forward to seeing more photos from your journey.

Have a wonderful week :)

Spadoman said...

WOW, thanks for all the comments, and for coming here to Round Circle.

wanderlust said...

Just beautiful! LOVE that rainbow!