The other day, I was talking about the blogs and what I’ve been up to lately. Grand daughter number six was nearby, coloring on scrap paper that we keep in a pile for those occasions. There always seems to be markers, colored pencils and crayons in a wicker basket and piles of card stock or plain white paper around. It is common, at the kitchen table here at Spadoville, that the kids place the basket on the table and grab handfuls of paper and just start making pictures.
When I mentioned Ruby Tuesday, and explained the simple format of a picture with the color red in it, Gracie must have heard me. She started drawing a picture, and she used red marker. I grabbed the camera and took a photo of her Ruby Red creation. That is my submission this week. Plain and simplistic, straight and to the point. Talk about it being red and there it is, in red.
What or who is it in this beautifully drawn masterpiece? I don’t know. Gracie doesn’t either. At least that’s what she tells me. Maybe it had a name or subject when it was first created, but now, just use your imagination. I like to call it, “Papa in Red Checked Shirt”.
Mary T/The Teach started this meme. You can go to her blog “Work of the Poet” to find out more about Ruby Tuesday, or HERE to find out how to participate. You can also find links there to other bloggers who post fabulous Ruby Red photos on Tuesdays.
Peace to All
Definitely Papa in Red Checked Shirt. :-)
Well done, Gracie!
Isn't it amazing how accommodating they are?
And how cute they are!
And how accurate they are with the size of the smile. (cuz I'm sure Papa's smile was HUGE!!)
Lovely smile.
My Inspiration
My Ruby Tuesday
She is adorable! We grownups don't think of (or remember) how fast they learn. It seems that colors are recognized early, and she had a ruby Tuesday idea in her head - which she nicely translated on paper. A nice RT!
smart kid with a cute smile:) happy RT!
Adorable smile on this creation tpo match the sense of happiness in this red drawing! Great shot!
(Trying again: Really made no sense of that last comment!)
Adorable smile on this little one's face to match the sense of happiness in her red drawing! Great shot!
( I think that's better!)
That's what I like about children's art, it is so spontaneous. It is always more interesting before they start school! Well captured Dad, smile 'an all!
Just LOOK at that wonderful smile would you...terrific piece of art work too.
FLAGSHIP - Ruby Tuesday
i am not sure which smile is bigger?? the red one? the gracie one, or the one on the spadoman face while he took this adoring picture.
hum. perhaps it is the combined smiles this offering of red brings to each of us as we visit here.
thanks for such simple sweetness.
that is just brilliant!!!!
you tell her how she made people smile around the world!!!!!
(and don't forget to stick it on the fridge, or frame it for posterity!)
Beautiful child and drawing as well!
awww such a darling :) great entry! im your newest follower!
u may view mine here
I would say portrait of a content man wearing flannel.
Hello from another (non) corner of Wisconsin.
Once again, thank you all for your visits here to Round Circle and for your comments. Very much appreciated.
Peace to all.
thats precious!
Well I hope you've kept it, if not framed it and hung it on the wall. These times don't come twice!
Ah, and pax vobiscum!
That's very sweet and she does indeed have a beautiful smile.
She's too cute!
Just adding a smile.
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