Friday, January 2, 2009

Going Away Once Again

"....nobody has a perfect life, just only days of beauty once in awhile."

This was one line of a letter I received from a friend. It struck me like a hammer. It is so true. We all struggle at times, and sometimes, even right in the middle of the hardest struggle, we smile and see some light, and the beauty. I am so thankful that I do indeed see some beauty once in a while.

My friends, I am leaving for a period of time. I will be away from my home and family. This journey will have me learning, and more importantly healing, even more so than I have already. I will take a big step in my life. During this time, I will not have a cell phone or be at a computer for at least a month. I'll communicate with my family through the written word using a pen and paper and the occasional phone call using a calling card or calling the toll free number where Barb works. I won't be incarcerated, but I will be in a safe secure place. I will look for the beauty of life every day and hope I will find it and see it, and hope it recognizes me.

I am not sure of anything else except that I will be gone.

I've deleted much of my blog. Oh, I have the writings saved on a hard drive, but felt the need to relieve some of the clutter. I have chosen some posts to leave here. Feel free to run through and read anything you might find interesting. As I looked back at the posts, I see where there was a time when things I have said may have touched a heart or two, including my own.

I hope the New Year is grand for all of you, every day of it, and that you prosper in your life with the richness of peace in your hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodbye for now, friend. I hope this comment finds you safe and happy.