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The wonderful carving artistry by the Spadoman kids |
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween 2010
Hope your day is fun. Happy Halloween from Spadoville.
Peace, (and a little mayhem since it's Halloween)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dagwood of My Own
Haiku My Heart Friday
October 29, 2010
Haiku My Heart Friday is the creation of my friend Rebecca. To see more haiku, visit recuerda mi corazon
This Haiku was easy to write. The ingredients of my Dagwood style sandwich had the right amount of syllables. I don't always eat like this. Sometimes I eat just vegetables and no meat at all. This was a great tasting sandwich. I like being a little whimsical today as I am in a great mood.
Do you remember the Blondie and Dagwood comic strip? Dagwood was known for these fantastically large snadwiches, so much so, that a stacked one like mine carries his Moniker. I didn't have any garlic stuffed green olives to skewer with a tinsel tipped toothpick for the topper. I'll have to get some of those.
The Days of the Dead are just around the corner, Monday and Tuesday to be exact, November 1st and 2nd. Some blogger friends of mine are going to Mexico to visit folk art galleries and enjoy the celebration. I wish them all a great wonderful adventurous journey. A part of my heart will be with them.
In case you missed it, you're invited here if you want to come. You can read about it in the post below this one.
Have a wonderful time in Mexico friends. The rest of you have a wonderful time where ever you are.
October 29, 2010
Bacon turkey swiss
Tomato avocado
On toasted rye bread
This Haiku was easy to write. The ingredients of my Dagwood style sandwich had the right amount of syllables. I don't always eat like this. Sometimes I eat just vegetables and no meat at all. This was a great tasting sandwich. I like being a little whimsical today as I am in a great mood.
Do you remember the Blondie and Dagwood comic strip? Dagwood was known for these fantastically large snadwiches, so much so, that a stacked one like mine carries his Moniker. I didn't have any garlic stuffed green olives to skewer with a tinsel tipped toothpick for the topper. I'll have to get some of those.
The Days of the Dead are just around the corner, Monday and Tuesday to be exact, November 1st and 2nd. Some blogger friends of mine are going to Mexico to visit folk art galleries and enjoy the celebration. I wish them all a great wonderful adventurous journey. A part of my heart will be with them.
In case you missed it, you're invited here if you want to come. You can read about it in the post below this one.
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Have a wonderful time in Mexico friends. The rest of you have a wonderful time where ever you are.
Peace to all
Monday, October 25, 2010
Los Dios de Los Muertos, The Days of the Dead
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This beautiful quilted artwork was given to us by a very dear friend |
Sounds Macabre, but it is a simple celebration, really. It comes from Mexico. On November 1st every year, it is said that the spirits of our loved ones have a chance to return into our world, as spirits, and visit us. We have many loved ones that no longer walk this earth, and our first born daughter Maggie is among them.
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An Ofrenda at our home from years past |
In the old tradition, family members and friends would gather on November 1st and go to the graveyard. They would sit there all night and “visit” these spirits. They would retire at daybreak back to their homes and have a great feast. The holiday took place over two days, November first and second. Here is a very good site with a description and the history of The Days of the Dead.
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There is usually some music |
For us, it was a simple stumbling that brought us into the idea that a celebration of our daughter’s life would be appropriate. Maggie passed before us in June of 1991. She died in an auto accident. Later that year, while I was working at a job that gave me November and April off, I took the kids out of school, packed up the family and did a massive 8000 mile road trip.
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And plenty of fellowship and food |
On this road trip, we passed through Los Angeles to visit friends. While there, we came across this fiesta in the Old Town Square Plaza of Los Angeles along Alameda Street. There were displays set up depicting pictures of people, saintly statues and whimsical bone skeleton figures. We read about these displays and had our first look at a Los Dios de Los Muertos celebration.
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Another Ofrenda |
We liked the idea. In our own culture, we would go visit the grave site of our loved ones in the cemetery, but didn’t have a party. This was a full out gathering of friends and family complete with great food, music, laughter and some tears. The decorations are colorful and full of whimsy. My daughter loved theatrical arts, her doll skeleton had her on stage, a place where she loved to be when she walked this earth, in a bright red dress for all to see. A few years later, we lost Bobby, Maggie's boyfriend. He was sure to be my son-in-law, but fate had different ideas. Now they are together at our celebration.
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More food! |
We love the idea that these spirits visit us. We recall their time here on earth with us. An alter is put up and pictures of our loved ones are placed there. We also put things they might have liked along with them. My daughter always has Diet Coke and Nacho Cheese Doritos. My Mother-in-Law has a pack of Pall Malls and a Schlitz. You get the idea. We always put water, salt and bread on this alter. The spirits need these things to travel.
For us, we gather every year, always on November First. Even if it falls on a weekday, like it does this year, we do it on the first. It’s nice and many more people show up when it happens that November First is a Saturday night, but Monday it will be this year and Monday we will celebrate. People will come and bring pictures and mementos for the altar. They will bring food and we will share each others company for however long they want to stay.
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Maggie and Bobby take center stage |
We leave our alter up for about a week. Here are a few photographs of the alters we have prepared over the years and the tables full of food. As you can see, it is a celebration. Sure, we are sad that our daughter and others we have lost through the years are not amongst us any longer, but for this night, they could be in the next room, frolicking and having a great time right along with us.
And still another |
This is what we do here in Spadoville. 2010 will be the 19th time we open our home for Los Dios de Los Muertos. We learned about it in 1991 and started our own fiesta in 1992. I invite you all to attend. If you can’t make it and want a loved one remembered at our ofrenda, (altar), send me a picture and I’ll make sure it has a place. We have done this in the past, and those that have sent me a photo, I want you to know that I save these photographs and put them up year after year.
If you have any questions about The Days of the Dead, consult the links above or search it out on the web. I hope you are receptive to our tradition and come on over, or be here in spirit, along with the spirits of those we no longer see amongst us.
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May peace prevail on Earth
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Peaceful Southwestern Mission
Shadow Shot Sunday
October 24, 2010
October 24, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday is a fun meme that emanates from Australia. To see more fabulous Shadow Shots and find out how you can participate, see Hey Harriet.
In September, I took a motorcycle trip to New Mexico. I rode in the mountains as I usually get down that way in Winter and never get to cruise the likes of Taos, Angel Fire, Espanola or the Carson National Forest because of the snow and cold.
The shadow shot above was taken in the morning. The sun was shining brightly and the steeple of this little mission caught my attention as I was slowly riding by on a two lane rural road. The photos below are of the front of the church and a side shot again showing the shadow of the cross. I love this type of architecture, especially the coloring.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Water Calls
Haiku My Heart Friday
October 22, 2010
See more Haiku My Heart at Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog.
I'm drawn to the water. Some people are drawn to other natural features of our Sacred Earth Mother, but me, the water. I tried living on the Western Slope. Beautiful weather, but something was lacking in my life. I would forget to look up at the mountains as my eyes cast straight ahead seeking the water. The river flowed by, but that wasn't the same. I craved the big lake they call Gitche Gumee.
We left after only 15 months, returning to Superior. Drinking the water, feeling it, cleansing our crystals. Glad to have had the experience, yet so relieved to return. This experiment was in 1994, after the life changing tragedy, searching for something that was there, by the water.
More on this thought soon on these pages as the time the Spirits will fly around and visit approaches. We're getting ready for Los Dios de Los Muertos here in Spadoville.
October 22, 2010
See more Haiku My Heart at Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog.
Mother Earth life blood
Gently cleansing rocks stones and sand
Rhythm feeling love
I'm drawn to the water. Some people are drawn to other natural features of our Sacred Earth Mother, but me, the water. I tried living on the Western Slope. Beautiful weather, but something was lacking in my life. I would forget to look up at the mountains as my eyes cast straight ahead seeking the water. The river flowed by, but that wasn't the same. I craved the big lake they call Gitche Gumee.
We left after only 15 months, returning to Superior. Drinking the water, feeling it, cleansing our crystals. Glad to have had the experience, yet so relieved to return. This experiment was in 1994, after the life changing tragedy, searching for something that was there, by the water.
More on this thought soon on these pages as the time the Spirits will fly around and visit approaches. We're getting ready for Los Dios de Los Muertos here in Spadoville.
Peace to all
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday Mystery Tour, October 18, 2010
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Logo for the Proviso East High School Pirates mascot |
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My high school Alma Mater in Maywood, IL |
Proviso ended up losing the contest against Morton, 28 to 14, but we had fun cheering and visiting in the stands. I knew there was going to be a gathering and I wanted to go, but waited until the last minute to decide I was actually going. When I got a couple of calls asking if I would be there, I quickly threw a few things in a bag and jumped in the Focus. I made the 7+ hour trip on Friday and arrived on Saturday morning after a motel stop in Janesville, WI.
Saturday morning I had breakfast at a place I hadn't eaten in since probably 1967, the Harlo Grill. I lived less than a block from Harlo. In the early days, my Mom would give me a dollar and I would get a hamburger, fries and a chocolate malt and have change. Harlo opened its doors in 1953. I would get to eat lunch "out" about once a month. I always went to the Harlo Grill.
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Harlo Grill on North Avenue in Melrose Park, IL |
The breakfast was so-so, for sure not as big and hearty as I remembered, but the place looked the same. I enjoyed the nostalgic return to my old neighborhood and just walking into the place brought back a flood of memories of my childhood as I lived in Melrose Park pretty much since I was two years old. I didn't leave until I got drafted in 1968.
From Harlo Grill, I cruised where I lived and where I went to elementary school. I went to the cemetery to see the new headstones that were placed for my Mom and Dad. My Mom passed this past year. Dad has been gone for quite some time. I said hello to their spirits and snapped a picture of their markers.
An old friend called, a fellow I have known since third grade. We met for lunch at a place of his choosing and talked for a couple of hours. I probably hadn't seen Marc since high school. It was a grand visit as we rekindled our friendship. After that, I fought traffic and made my way to my Alma Mater, Proviso East High School, home of the Pirates.
I navigated my way to the grandstands and looked for my friends. It was then that I saw Kathy, the great ring leader and organizer, standing and waving at me. I climbed up the stands and was greeted by a cheer. I just couldn't believe where I was and what I was doing and who I was with. A little overwhelmed, I settled in and started talking non-stop with people I remembered, remembered me or didn't remember except for their name.
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Some friends I met at the Homecoming game. The people here might look a little old, but we were all young at heart this particular Saturday afternoon |
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Proviso East High School Marching Band, 2009 |
During my drive, my cell phone rang and it was Kathy, the school chum that planned the small impromptu gathering. She wanted to know if I had a good time. I gave her a resounding thumbs up and thanked her. The next morning when I got home, I found a message on my Facebook page from Kathy and some new "Friend" requests from my old classmates. All in all a very nice weekend and some memories galvanized in my mind. Next time they get together might be some time away, but I plan on being there. I wonder why I waited so long to get involved, but that's no matter. I found that even if it was just a few of the 900 plus in our graduating class, I was remembered, and I remembered them. We are all aging together and still laughing at ourselves from an era long ago.
Overall, I had a great time of it. I have never attended a reunion of any kind. I was delighted to be asked to attend and honored to be back amongst folks I attended high school with from what seems like a very long time ago.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Last Glimpse of Summer
Haiku My Heart Friday
October 15, 2010Haiku My Heart Friday was started by my friend Rebecca. See more photos and read Haiku from all over at her blog, recuerda mi corazon.
This Fall season has brought so many beautiful photos of the Autumn colors and words to match that speak of harvest and the end of one season as it transforms into another. I thought I'd bring back a memory of last Summer before the temperature dips down below zero and we are knee deep in snow.
Moments after a quick moving Summer thunderstorm, the view from our deck, searching for that Pot O' Gold |
See the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
In my own back yard
I was out riding my motorcycle yesterday, and I probably will again tomorow and through the weekend. This activity, done comfortably weatherwise at this time of year where I live, is sometimes sheer fantasy. After all, hockey season has started, the leaves are all but stripped off the trees and as I type this, a mouse or some such creature, is making so much noise scurrying across the floor hiding dog food nuggets in the kitchen above my head that one might think it is a herd of elephants trampling through the jungle! Maybe I should alert the cats from their slumber and see if they can earn their next meal.
While taking a coffee break from our late season motorcycle adventure, sitting in the bright sunshine and basking in the glow, I did see a landscape company assembling the snow plows to their trucks in anticipation of what's to come. I consulted the Farmer's Almanac and found their prediction for a very cold but dry Winter forecast to start next month. That prognostication is for the Great Lakes region. Looks like snowshoe sales will plummet this year.
In the meantime, I'll let this photo remind us of the two months of steady heat and humidity we had this past Summer and the thunderstorms that moved through the neighborhoods of the upper midwest. Now if there only was a real pot of gold, it would be there for the taking, and I wouldn't even mention Winter.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ruby Tuesday 10/12/2010
Ruby Tuesday comes from MaryT/The Teach. You can find more great Rubiesque photos and find out how to participate on her blog, Work of the Poet.
The weather has sure been more like Summer than Fall for the past week or so. At least around here in Northern Wisconsin. Almost too warm if there is such a thing. I loved wearing my sweatshirt in the morning and didn't like to have to take it off before noon. Oh well, I'll take what Mother Nature throws my way weatherwise. It will change, like the leaves. From deep green to the colors of Autumn, then blown from their perches and scattered on the ground like a carpet.
The weather was perfect for a day trip. I did a water run to Solon Springs yesterday and remembered to bring the camera. I couldn't have scripted the Ruby any better than the proprietors of this seasonal Dairy Queen. Check it out.
Around here, some places don't hang around and sell ice cream all Winter. This Dairy Queen in Solon Springs, WI is such a place. Boarded up until next season. But it seemed so strange as the temperatures reached 80 degrees Fahrenheit, certainly warm enough to eat ice cream.
I couldn't help feel a little sad that enterprises such as these close down just because the snow flies and the temperatures get colder. Here are a couple more Ruby shots from Solon Springs. Hope you have a great week.
The weather has sure been more like Summer than Fall for the past week or so. At least around here in Northern Wisconsin. Almost too warm if there is such a thing. I loved wearing my sweatshirt in the morning and didn't like to have to take it off before noon. Oh well, I'll take what Mother Nature throws my way weatherwise. It will change, like the leaves. From deep green to the colors of Autumn, then blown from their perches and scattered on the ground like a carpet.
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Picnic tables stacked away until next Spring |
Around here, some places don't hang around and sell ice cream all Winter. This Dairy Queen in Solon Springs, WI is such a place. Boarded up until next season. But it seemed so strange as the temperatures reached 80 degrees Fahrenheit, certainly warm enough to eat ice cream.
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Actually, I could eat ice cream anytime of the year. |
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For some unknown reason, this table wasn't stacked with the others. The small lake nearby made this a relaxing spot even if I had to sit there without an ice cream cone |
I wish Peace to everyone
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday, October 10, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday was started by Tracy. More Shadow Shots can be seen, and guidelines for participation can be found, by clicking on this link to Hey Harriet.
The Shadow Shot I chose for today is a simple image I saw while sitting in my chair as I was putting on my shoes. We've been having some fabulous weather the past week or so. Warm, light breezes, sunny. It was an early morning that Ole Sol was popping up and shining on this Peace Lily plant that sits by the sliding glass door.
The camera was within reach for a change and I snapped off a couple of shots. I like this one and will share it with you today for Shadow Shot Sunday. After I down loaded the pictures from the camera to the computer, I noticed the shadows in the background as well, adding a little mystery to the whole affair. Hope you like it.
The Shadow Shot I chose for today is a simple image I saw while sitting in my chair as I was putting on my shoes. We've been having some fabulous weather the past week or so. Warm, light breezes, sunny. It was an early morning that Ole Sol was popping up and shining on this Peace Lily plant that sits by the sliding glass door.
The camera was within reach for a change and I snapped off a couple of shots. I like this one and will share it with you today for Shadow Shot Sunday. After I down loaded the pictures from the camera to the computer, I noticed the shadows in the background as well, adding a little mystery to the whole affair. Hope you like it.
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Click 'em to big 'em |
Friday, October 8, 2010
This Day in October
Haiku My Heart Friday
The inspiration for writing Haiku on Friday comes from my friend Rebecca. You can experience more beautiful photos and haiku by visiting her site, recuerda mi corazon
Years are the markers
Love is a piece of my heart
This is my sweetheart in high school. Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. Thirty Nine years. I know, I know, this is an odd numbered year. It's not one of those well rounded numbers. Most folks don't get invited to their high school reunions or celebrate the odd numbered years of anything, but we do mark it in our minds and mention it. Besides, no one really knows if any of us will be around next year for the even numbered big Four Oh! In this case, this one will be mentioned out loud today. I did write some haiku, but there is no way any haiku of any length or number of syllables could tell you the real story of the dedication this woman has given to her family and to me over the years.
We met on January 27, 1971. She was seventeen and still in high school, due to graduate in June. We were married on October 9, 1971. We didn't date for so very long, but she did turn eighteen if that's what you were wondering. A lot of water has flowed under that bridge, and it still flows today, as strong as ever.
Let there be no mistake. As my friend Christopher asks of me often, "Am I the only man that comes to your site?", I admit I have many blogger pals that are women, but I sleep in my own bed at home every night with my wife. It is a fact that most of the bloggers that come here and comment are women, and most of them are married too.
I am beholden to only one and we share a date in our narrow slice of history tomorrow.
Barb's mom and dad didn't believe us at first when we told them we wanted to get married. Barb had just turned 18. I had returned from the American war in Vietnam a year prior. I was 22. When the parents didn't listen, we went ahead and made plans to run off and get married. When her dad realized that we were serious, he took me to the local neighborhood tavern and sat me down at the bar and asked me, as was some tradition in some time and place, "Why do you want to marry my daughter?"
My answer was the same as if you asked me today, "I love her." We went on to drink a couple of beers and salute the accepted answer with a shot or two of brandy, Korbel's to be exact. Ed insisted on having a big wedding. This was his only daughter and he wasn't going to give her away without a party. We only had a couple of months to plan, but it was a traditional Catholic Church wedding with a large reception. Eddie and Lois, Barb's Mom, invited everyone they knew. He got a hall called the Mangam Chateau and had a free and open bar from start to finish. At midnight, the establishment told Ed the bar would be closing, Ed took out his checkbook and wrote a check to keep the bar open another two hours. We partied on well into the night.
A time later, the check was returned in the monthly statement and Ed put the cancelled check in a frame and hung it over his bar, which was at home, in the basement rumpus room, bragging to everyone that it was his largest ever bar tab. Recently, when Barb's brother met us at Lambeau, he brought her a box of pictures and mementos. Among them was the now famous Bar Tab Check:
I leave you with a few photos I have found to be great captures of the love of my life. My own personal savior from the ravages of war, the one who guides me and keeps my heart at peace. My spousal unit, my wife, my friend, my lover, my soul mate, Mother of my children and perfect Grand Mother. I refer to her as Mrs. Spadoman, but her name is Barbara. We are one.
It is the artform and the writing, the photos and prose, sharing of the spirit, uplifting inspiration, letting each other know we are beautiful, wanted, needed, loved and the expressions from our hearts for a better world, a peaceful world, that bind us, not our gender.
I am beholden to only one and we share a date in our narrow slice of history tomorrow.
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Our wedding day, October 9, 1971 |
My answer was the same as if you asked me today, "I love her." We went on to drink a couple of beers and salute the accepted answer with a shot or two of brandy, Korbel's to be exact. Ed insisted on having a big wedding. This was his only daughter and he wasn't going to give her away without a party. We only had a couple of months to plan, but it was a traditional Catholic Church wedding with a large reception. Eddie and Lois, Barb's Mom, invited everyone they knew. He got a hall called the Mangam Chateau and had a free and open bar from start to finish. At midnight, the establishment told Ed the bar would be closing, Ed took out his checkbook and wrote a check to keep the bar open another two hours. We partied on well into the night.
A time later, the check was returned in the monthly statement and Ed put the cancelled check in a frame and hung it over his bar, which was at home, in the basement rumpus room, bragging to everyone that it was his largest ever bar tab. Recently, when Barb's brother met us at Lambeau, he brought her a box of pictures and mementos. Among them was the now famous Bar Tab Check:
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Remember now, this was 1971 dollars! |
I leave you with a few photos I have found to be great captures of the love of my life. My own personal savior from the ravages of war, the one who guides me and keeps my heart at peace. My spousal unit, my wife, my friend, my lover, my soul mate, Mother of my children and perfect Grand Mother. I refer to her as Mrs. Spadoman, but her name is Barbara. We are one.
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8th grade, Catholic school, complete with bolero |
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Working for peace on the streets of Ashland Wisconsin |
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Enjoying a Brat at Miller Park at a Brewers game |
Peace to all
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Pachyderm Playground
Two elephants at the 2010 Minnesota Renaissance festival |
Any of you that have been following this blog for any length of time know that I have four Grandchildren. They range from ages 3 through 12. My daughter’s husband also has two girls, ages 16 and 18, from his previous marriage and we consider them Grandchildren as well. They are all girls except for the 10 year old.
Now I love them all, there is no doubt about that. I would lay down my life for any of them and I strive to be a good Grand Dad. I hope they hear the lessons I teach them. Simple lessons about how to live a good life, taken right from the mistakes I made through the years. You know, the kids sit around your feet as I rock lazily in the wooden chair, the doilies ebb and flow with the rhythm of the movement. I speak, they quietly and intently listen to every word.
Then, in forty or fifty years, I’m dead and gone of course, and the story is told again to another Grand Child. The lesson was learned, heeded and found to be worthy of the passage of time. I’m dreaming now. But really, I’m trying to be this person without ego.
Earlier on in my adult life without children at home, I didn’t know how it would be to have Grandkids. Then when they started coming into my life, I had to learn from experience all over again. Just like not knowing how to be a parent, I didn’t know how to be a Grandpa, or as I am called, a Papa, (Poppa), either.
The first two were wonderful and served as the textbooks for those to come. I learned. But back in those days, there wasn’t much I did with them just one on one. I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t far enough along on the healing journey. As far as living went for me at that time, I was an infant and just getting started.
It was when the third one came along that I had learned enough, healed enough, to take some risks. Lilly was the first one I watched, you know, babysat, just me and her. That started when she was a little older than one. We had a special bond. And it lasted and has carried forward to today.
One of Lilly’s loves is animals. All animals really. But she has this fascination with elephants. I don’t know where it came from, but she loves anything and everything elephant. It’s never hard to find her a gift as a stuffed elephant is always a good choice. She has them in every size from a tiny 1/4” miniature to a four foot behemoth that she can sit on and ride!
She has elephant necklaces and pictures and coloring books, stickers, DVD’s and CD music about elephants. She knows the difference between African and Asian elephants by the size of their ears. She draws pictures of them, too. The one below is my favorite. I want to make a bolt of fabric with this design and sell backpacks, tote bags, pajamas, socks, boxers, tank and soft crews for kids and whimsical adults. Maybe even some “Hanes For Her” type underwear with this blue elephant motif.
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Lilly's now Famous elephant print |
In my attempt to give all the Grandkids everything they ever mention they would want or dream of, I have taken Lilly to see real live elephants. There were none in the zoos here in Minnesota, and none in Milwaukee, Madison or Duluth. The closest was in the Chicago area, at Brookfield Zoo. Funny, when Mrs. Spadoman and I got married, we bought our first house in Brookfield, IL, not a mile from the famous Brookfield Zoo.
Of course we took the whole family and spent the day, but the big highlight for Lilly was to see a real live Pachyderm. We couldn’t get very close, though, and that day, they weren’t in a wandering mood. When you’re four years old, it might have been okay, but I know I had to get her to a place where she could see the elephants, touch them and possibly ride on one. After all, I was the Grandfather. I would be the one to give her this experience. One that she will remember and hold for the rest of her life.
We saw some elephants here and there at circuses, and I found pictures and articles on the internet. I’d save them and show Lilly after school. But it wasn’t quite right until I found out that at the Renaissance Festival, the one held every year in Minnesota, they had real live elephants and they offered rides on them.
I knew about this last year, but never made it to the festival. In fact, something about my very soul doesn’t like the Renaissance Festival. I can’t put my finger on it, but it may be the people that get into the whole renaissance thing just put me off. Of course this gracious beautiful soul with the gold wings has given me impetus to start a mind change.
We have a friend, actually, she is an old friend of my daughter Maggie. We have been in and out of touch with her since we moved away from Pine City in 1989. Thanks to Facebook, Anita is there, and I remembered from a year or so ago that she works or has something to do with the Renaissance Festival. One day, I saw her and mentioned that we wanted to take Lilly for an elephant ride. I asked her for verification that this exhibit existed.
Not only did she tell me that it would indeed be possible to get a ride on an elephant, but that she would send me tickets to get into the event. This festival is upwards of $20 bucks per adult for entry! I was so pleased to get invited with free tickets!
We tried to get to the festival throughout the month of September, but never put it together. I went to the web site and saw that the last weekend for the 2010 season was to be October 2nd and 3rd. I knew this was our last chance for this year. I didn’t want to disappoint Lilly again. But we were asked to travel to Green Bay and go to the Packers football game on Sunday with my Brother-in-Law. The Renaissance Festival is an hours drive in the other direction. Besides that, my daughter had to work Saturday and there was no one to be with the Grand kids.
Saturday was an unbelievable day as we got up early and drove to the festival with Lilly. We wandered there and rode the elephants., Not only did we ride them, but we managed a ride on a Llama and a war horse as well. Then, we traversed back towards Wisconsin and dropped Lilly off at her Aunt Jayne’s house. Her mother had already dropped the rest of the kids there earlier on her way to work. Good Ole Auntie Jayne came through and relieved us of our child care responsibility. We continued on to Green Bay and got a motel room in a small town about 30 miles away from Lambeau Field. We had driven eight hours on Saturday and were a mere 240 miles from home. We arrived in Green Bay on Sunday morning and attended the football game, then drove home after a bite to eat with Mrs. Spadoman’s brother and his son, our nephew, whom we haven’t seen in over 30 years. That’s another story in and of itself.
So, the pictures are of Lilly and Mrs. Spadoman on the pachyderm and Lilly on the llama and the horse. By the way, these horses are used in a jousting contest later in the day. Maybe next year we will go and spend the day. With better planning, it just might work out. I just hope that if my maker takes me before then, I have filled the heart of a little girl with pleasant thoughts and dreams by taking her to visit an elephant. She climbed on the back of an African elephant, (she told me this as she saw the larger floppy ears and verified the fact with the handler), and touched him. His name is Gene.
On the way to Green Bay, we needed a gas stop and a potty break. We got off the highway and went into the small town of Thorp, WI. We were familiar with Thorp, not only becaause we have traveled past it on many journeys, but because a good friend recently married and her husband is from Thorp. Happeed to be that the Thorp Annual Pumpkin Festival was in full swing. We stopped by and strolled for a while before we continued our drive to Green Bay. There were pumpkins all right. This 587 pound beauty, that has Mrs. Spadoman smitten, took the Grand Prize!
Looks like a happy kid |
Yes it is, a very happy kid! |
With the llama |
And the Horse |
So, the pictures are of Lilly and Mrs. Spadoman on the pachyderm and Lilly on the llama and the horse. By the way, these horses are used in a jousting contest later in the day. Maybe next year we will go and spend the day. With better planning, it just might work out. I just hope that if my maker takes me before then, I have filled the heart of a little girl with pleasant thoughts and dreams by taking her to visit an elephant. She climbed on the back of an African elephant, (she told me this as she saw the larger floppy ears and verified the fact with the handler), and touched him. His name is Gene.
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A new crown for Lilly |
For football fans, this sign says it all |
A beautiful day and the stands full of people |
Mrs. Spadoman with her brother and nephew |
Can you imagine carving this one? |
Yours truly in Thorp |
We had a truly marvelous weekend both at the Renaissance Festival with the elephants, our mini visit of Thorp and the reunion with family at Lambeau Field. Thanks for allowing me to share it with you.
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